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  1. Scott A

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    I dont just think you are making a big deal about race. You are literally just accused "much of white America" of being afraid of the "black house" and then you go even further to insinuate that it was the racism of white America that fought back to keep a white woman out of office. Heck you...
  2. Scott A

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    As someone who voted but didnt vote for president im telling my self the same thing I have been since the primaries were over. Thank god its only 4 years.
  3. Scott A

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Just realized the other day I have now been using underdog vaporizers for over 3 years now and my current one for over 2 and I still love them. One of the last vaporizers that has been able to stick in my rotation now that I have gravitated more towards dabbing. Thank you Dave for making a...
  4. Scott A

    Cannabis News

    Got to love seeing Florida pass it by such a large margin. Bodes really well for the possibility of getting fully legal in the near future.
  5. Scott A

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    The white lash term and most of your post is pure race baiting.
  6. Scott A

    Is vaping as good as we think/hope?

    CBD strains still get you high. Just not the same euphoric high from THC.
  7. Scott A

    What vape is the fastest to make you high?

    Dude is complaining about the MFLB taking to long to get him high and you suggest the solo which takes forever to the job too? lol
  8. Scott A

    Is vaping as good as we think/hope?

    Thank you for the link I havent came across that website yet. Only a few articles in so far but seems balanced like you said so thank you for some nice reading. Im not a full disbeliever as if marijuana doesnt help at all for anything but I do think some of its benefits are over stated for many...
  9. Scott A

    The HI

    Sweet got the email that my name came back up on the list. I really regret selling my B/W ebony glass core but its time to get me another one of these awesome little log vapes.
  10. Scott A

    Is vaping as good as we think/hope?

    Yes its only anecdotal evidence... just because the shit agrees with what you want it to agree with doesn't mean it isnt just shit. My cannabis "truth" ( my god you sound so pretentious its horrible ) is that it gets me high just like it gets you high just like it gets everyone high because we...
  11. Scott A

    Is vaping as good as we think/hope?

    Please link me to these many studies. Most of them that I have read are all based on anecdotal evidence which I take with a grain of salt. And no your last statement exactly describes anecdotal evidence. edit- Equating this to climate change is a horrible comparison. There is actual full...
  12. Scott A

    Is vaping as good as we think/hope?

    Yeah bro snake oil salesmen of the past always could point to a bunch of anecdotal evidence too...
  13. Scott A

    Is vaping as good as we think/hope?

    Stuff like this is why no one takes us seriously. You sound like a snake oil salesman.
  14. Scott A

    Shops Orlando

    I like Final Dimension in Melbourne but thats a little far off from Orlando. Up in smoke and New Galaxy are solid but Ive found them to be a little expensive for my taste.
  15. Scott A

    Discontinued Lily vaporizer by Triihouse

    Mine somehow still hasnt got rid of the taste. I probably only have 20 or 30 bowls through it since I got it though so that might be why.
  16. Scott A

    Vaping thru a bong with water and without. Unsuspected differences.

    I dont want to come off as a dick but I just cant go with out correcting this. Fill a bag full of vapor and let it sit. You will literally be able to see the oils condense to the side of the bag and stick over time. I really dont think you could be any further off base with your post. Then why...
  17. Scott A

    Airizer solo still best for its value?

    Definitely not a technique issue. I actually find that kind of insulting because you are basically saying the only reason I didnt like the solo is I didnt know how to use it and that couldnt be any further from the truth. Why do you have such a problem with me posting my opinion just because I...
  18. Scott A

    Is ABV Legal?

    It will still test positive for THC so you are in a bad situation if you get caught with it.
  19. Scott A

    Airizer solo still best for its value?

    I think me and you sold for the opposite reasons. I never could get the vapor I was looking for from a solo. Im not saying its a bad vape. Its a great beginner vape.
  20. Scott A

    Airizer solo still best for its value?

    Why limit to session based portables? Only other 2 that I have used extensively are the Ascent and the Pinnacle Pro and all three were about equal but then again there is a reason I got rid of all three of them. Other than the Storz and Bickel vapes that whole category of vapes leaves a lot to...
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