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  1. Beluga

    Dealing with addiction

    Thank you! I believe it's important for everyone to share their views because there aren't many things that work for everyone. I'm trying this approach over the weekend to see what effect it has on someone with a lower tolerance like me who can get really baked off of a well-ground MFLB trench.
  2. Beluga

    Dealing with addiction

    Guys let's not get hostile... :uhoh: I think we need Dr. Sulak's :chill:'s.
  3. Beluga

    A valid method to lower tolerance?

    Can you elaborate? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
  4. Beluga

    A valid method to lower tolerance?

    That's awesome! He seems very into his work. He has a channel on YouTube called "Intergr8Health" on which he has a lecture on the health benefits of medical marijuana if that interests you. He's a chill dude! I wonder if he pescribes his own :chill:'s. :brow:
  5. Beluga

    A valid method to lower tolerance?

    Oh man I know too well what you mean. It's easy to overdo it when I'm at a friend's house. We've ended up on an unintentional tolerance break afterwards due to becoming dankrupt... :doh: I'm happy to know you've found a way to kick up your potency! For me, I wouldn't be able to cut back unless...
  6. Beluga

    A valid method to lower tolerance?

    Well that makes sense... I suppose you would actually need to take your medication for it to be effective. :lol: Congratulations on cutting down! It must feel good saving it! I think the one hit thing that he mentions in the video isn't for a high but rather for your body getting used to a...
  7. Beluga

    A valid method to lower tolerance?

    Hello serial vapists! I found a video on Reddit which I would like to hear your opinions on. I have a very low tolerance myself (mostly to save money) but I can see this method being used for those who have much higher tolerances, such as medical users who really need their medication to be...
  8. Beluga

    Grandma's getting baked than vaped :D

    I was just about to post this! I couldn't stop smiling for the entire video. It's so funny.
  9. Beluga

    Vapman or Alfa by Goboof?

    :o That actually sounds REALLY awesome. I didn't realize how powerful it was! Maybe the Vapman is just better suited for smaller loads? Just my :2c:. :D Thank you for the help! I'm even more interested in the Daisy now. Will be my second vape to get. :tup:
  10. Beluga

    Vapman or Alfa by Goboof?

    So what are the real differences between the two, besides the sizes? I'm trying to give myself a reason to buy the Daisy after the Vapman. :D
  11. Beluga

    Vapman or Alfa by Goboof?

    How long before you need to refill the Daisy bowl compared to the Vapman? I'm looking for a smaller vaporizer as of right now but I also have the Daisy, Lotus, and Enano in my sights further down the road.
  12. Beluga

    Looking for a replacement for a traditional glass bowl

    I might recommend the Hammer vaporizer for you. It doesn't have an extremely large bowl, but the glass stem makes it easy to refill quickly if you have your bud handy. Plus its hits are similar to the Lotus, it runs on butane (great for outdoors), and it's basically just a lighter, so it's...
  13. Beluga

    Vapman or Alfa by Goboof?

    I've read that the Solo is a longer session vape. I'm looking for somthing I can pick up whenver and finish when I please.
  14. Beluga

    Vapman or Alfa by Goboof?

    If you don't mind my asking, why buy more than one? Very nice. And compared to other torches I've looked at, it's really cheap as well! :tup: Also, much respect @steama and @KidFated., you are both part of the reason I finally decided on a Vapman from the beginning of my search! Not trying to...
  15. Beluga

    Vapman or Alfa by Goboof?

    Awesome. Do you recommend the torch lighter that comes with the Vapman or another one? I was going to buy the Basic American Walnut set if I decide on the Vapman.
  16. Beluga

    Vapman or Alfa by Goboof?

    I bolded key info for those that don't like to read long posts :-) This might seem like a weird comparison to some and I'm pretty sure I know which one would be better for me but I wanted to hear all of your opinions first. First off, hello! I'm a new member to the forum but a long time...
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