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  1. YetAnotherUsername

    The Herbalizer

    Funny how people get so hyped up on this one and claim even the high is better. Def not worth that much money, sad to see so much greed in this market.
  2. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Wow this looks really good! It looks like combustion, can the performance get any better than this :D? You mentioned that ELB fits into the elbow perfectly, but on the video it goes into a female end. Does it fit in both as long as it's 18.8 mm? Does the ELB ever get stuck when using directly...
  3. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    So that's what the caps are for! I see. Would work wonders with this "elbow" I think! Also, with the ELB i now need one glass piece less. Great!
  4. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Seek how do you keep herb in ELB from falling out? If you put it in the elbow it is upside down, right?
  5. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Can we have a pic? :) Now that is interesting. Should I hassle with ordering three different glass parts or should I just buy the ELB... Huh.. On the other hand - both at the same time :leaf: The ELB in my straight elbow piece :party:
  6. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    The herb would be in the 18M/18F adapter. I will post pics, however this will happen when I recieve my glass sometime probably this month. I'll post an update then. Thanks DDave for steping out when I asked you out of the blue. Such a good vibe on this forum. Happy New Year folks!
  7. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Hey DDave, thanks for your reply! I'm looking forward to trying your mod, in a slightly different way though. 18F/18F -> 18M/18F -> Straight upward elbow custom made. Im waiting for Arizer to reply, but minwhile maybe somebody over hear knows specs of the elbow piece? I know it's 18.8mm, but...
  8. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Hi guys ;) It's been a while ;) After a few months I quit whip/bag for vong pair exclusivly. Now that I got everything set up I am starting to look at these mods you guys have been talking about :)...
  9. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    I'll try it as soon as I can, I finaly have a real life break :leaf:. two finly grinded pinches put in the elbow, not more not less ... bong rips! cloudy inside the bag :))
  10. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    It seems like I can't edit my post. So apperently the cloudiness is best achieved (I am talking only about the baloon) when under packing the elbow screen. Something around two pinches of the finest grind you can get. I failed to achieve same results using more herb, even with higher...
  11. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    I just had my first really cloudy bag at 180C F3, thanks to your elbow hit hint. I grinded fine a bit of herb, maybe about 0.1 of a gram. I packed it using a big end of the stirring tool. . I got some really thick smoke vapor bumping around in the usual baloon thc mist. The rips obviously were...
  12. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Last night I had my first session with the newest Arizer Q... It is amazing. It costs half of the minimum salary in my country but it works wonders. I had the most psychedelic experience since when I started toking back in the middle school. The baloon is delicious and amazingly potent, the whip...
  13. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Thanks guys! I can't wait to try it haha :-) Thanks OBG for the tip!
  14. YetAnotherUsername

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Hello FC! I am about to get my first plug-in vape, and I am sure it was a great decision :-) One thing is bothering me though. Some people say the bag/baloon stinks after a couple of uses. Is this true? How do you deal with it? Buy new bags every couple of days? I was thinking maybe to reclaim...
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