Rather than use Dosing Capsules and since I'm stationary with the Plenty,
I just use a small Drip Pad if needed, with the Reducer, and can adjust the dose.
Just grind up as much as You like beforehand and you can refill Quick.
I Love My Plenty, it suits Me perfectly, for my style of session vaping.
But, though it's not that expensive, I think it's overkill for most people,
who basically want to get Ripped, Quick.
I suppose it's also good for large doses and Long sessions.
I've read much of this thread, but may have missed out on anything regarding
the use of a Digital Infrared Thermometer for experimenting with measuring
temperatures and offset with the Flowerpot, wouldn't it help take some of
the guess work out?
THANKS! For a little Clairification.
Words can sure scare people, perhaps the ones who feel Guilty.
Addiction and Dependence whatever the definitions, are intertwined?
You can call Me a Cannabis Addict, or Marijuana Dependent,
or whatever, doesn't bother Me, I'm totally enjoying it on a Daily...
Yes, but that's where the 'reducer' comes in, I use it pretty much exclusively,
but then I like to 'mini dose'. I think due to the large heat sink properties,
it's even better than the standard configuration, it's the very best appliance for Me.
So I take it the word 'Addicted' rings fear in Your heart too.
For a bunch of well medicated and laid back individuals,
You sure are touchy! LoL!
Your comparison of Food is a Prime example of Addiction.
Just take a cruise around your local Walmart and see
the result of 'abuse'.
Many are...
I guess You consider Me confrontational, just because My Opinion differs from the Majority?
Like I said, I'm probably in the minority because that's the way They want it on This site.
If your opinion goes against the grain, Your Out! Sooner or later?
The staffers who Police this site are...
Look who's being judgmental, and what's wrong with being provocative, Mr. Jesus Loves Beer?
Your not only a judge, seems Your the Jury too.
Another one with a fear of Labels.
No wonder people with differing opinions from the general audience out here soon disappear.
Let's see You take a two week break from Cannabis!
You seem Afraid of the word addicted?
If You don't Want or don't choose to go a day without Cannabis, You Are Addicted to It.
Let's not confuse bodily functions or legal terms with personal addictions.
I guess we could also discuss the...
If You people get gingival problems or sore throats from Your VAPE Sessions,
Change Something!
See a Hygienist, Otolaryngologist, Suck a throat lozenge..........Quit!
I think dreams are other lives we exist in, they are on a huge dial of dreams that are selected
due to some type of stimuli during the day either consciously, subconciously, or unconsciously.
I think that cannabis allows us some type of vague control?
P.S. Disregard this! Pertty Hgih