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  1. FUnhouse

    DIY Cannabis Lotion

    A question about making Coconut oil for a Lotion/cream I have made it once before with apx 2oz of flower and made about 12 oz of oil . If I use the crock pot method to make the oil will I get a stronger oil if I run it though twice . Using the same 2 oz but half the oil ( use one oz strain it...
  2. FUnhouse

    Vertigo ????

    I have been suffering from Vertigo (misplaced crystals in the ear canal ) for about two weeks now and it is making me fucking crazy . I have had some horrible dizzy spells ( and actually this may have been going on longer than I thought because of occasional dizzy spells I had before it hit me...
  3. FUnhouse

    And another Thanks To @SamuraiSam for all the great customer service . And help with figuring out my AC and 1701 . Can't say enough good things about these guys right now .....And that's not like me ! :)
  4. FUnhouse

    I need to buy some new attys . Cant decide between the ceramic and the Quartz double coils Any thought from the crowd ?
  5. FUnhouse

    Hey @SamuraiSam Thanks that's what I was looking for . I Was frustrated that I got another answer in a support e-mail from the site and just needed to confirm . Thanks for the info !
  6. FUnhouse

    Thanks I will try to find out . But Why would it work on you batteries and not mine ? I have been told that it will work with no problems on your batteries. Which are pen style batteries? I found out has a minimum resistance of 1.0Ω So it wont work . But my question still has not been answered...
  7. FUnhouse

    Can anyone tell me if the 1701 with the Alpha globe will actually work well on an ego vv battery (specifically The company line is that it will but everything I read says I need a mod or Istick . And I have...
  8. FUnhouse

    new comer looking for help on turning my wax into liquid for my VTC Mini vape

    Hey Ghost WELCOME !!! I just started doing this and found a lot of good information here Good Luck !
  9. FUnhouse

    Official MLB thread

    DVR! If Jake is Jake I am not too worried!
  10. FUnhouse

    Official MLB thread

    Now I 'll post Obviously I have the Cubs !! I have been a Cubs fan all my life Suffered much disappointment . This season has been great . Finally getting to see this rebuilding coming together . We have watched all 162 games this season plus spring training and its been great to watch . I...
  11. FUnhouse

    Herb Grinders

    Please tell me the SCS is a nice step up from the PIU.
  12. FUnhouse

    Herb Grinders

    After reading a bit more I'm going to try the SCS 3pc and see what happens .
  13. FUnhouse

    Herb Grinders

    I was just checking out the Mendo . They are not as easy to get . And @Odyssey I was also looking at the 3 piece SCS . Both look good can't decide ........ Thanks for the tips !
  14. FUnhouse

    Herb Grinders

    I need to buy a new grinder and need some advice . I think it comes down to the SCS and the Space Case . Maybe . I mainly need to know which is the easiest to use as I have bad problems with my hands . I have been using the free grinder from PIU and its not bad . But I would like to upgrade ...
  15. FUnhouse

    Trans-dermal Patch Review

    Thanks for the Review I too suffer for very similar problems with bad nerve damage added in . I found these patches a few months ago online and could not wait for them to get to CA> Once they arrived the guys at my dispensary warned me that they were not very effective and are expensive. So I...
  16. FUnhouse

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I agree with this and I think I am going to ask GHL to put me at the back of the list . At this point I am no hurry to get my Hopper and I would rather wait until they figure things out . But I will wait until after the update !
  17. FUnhouse

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    So here is how I see the door thing . The door on my mini would not close . I tried bending it and removing the door (as instructed by Randy and the thread ) And neither helped ... Well it got a little closer to staying closed . So to me this seems like it will be an on going problem . I will...
  18. FUnhouse

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I think PIU will be cool I already e-maild Randy about the issue . I have done business with them before and they are great . I mentioned the argument because I thought it was ridiculous ! I did ask for a refund and will probably get a Pax 2 or something ? Just don't have the patience ...
  19. FUnhouse

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I guess I should know better . You get what you pay for .
  20. FUnhouse

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    But what if you want to put in you pocket . The point of this thing is that is small . If I wanted to put it on my pocket with the mouthpiece on I might as well just buy something bigger Its just lame that there is no way to secure the door . To me just a bad design . My opinion . Maybe its...
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