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  1. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Well I just received my storage tube thing from Vestratto... what an absolute waste of money. It is almost completely useless for removing the cap, the magnets aren't centred correctly. Any other dynavap style magnet thing work far better, which is strange because I feel like I may as well have...
  2. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Could I please suggest an 18mm FATTY adaptor for the Anvil?? I've been using mine daily for nearly four weeks now, this thing rips! I highly recommend it. I find its best to do a deep clean every 4-5 days with iso, mainly the condenser I find the chamber keeps real clean. As I type this I am...
  3. Stonedbadger

    Travelling to the USA - dispensary recommendations

    Thanks for all the tips and suggestions!!
  4. Stonedbadger

    Travelling to the USA - dispensary recommendations

    Thanks for your replys. I'm getting very excited! What are the hotels like with weed?
  5. Stonedbadger

    Travelling to the USA - dispensary recommendations

    Hello all, Towards the end of June I will be travelling to the US and I am looking forward to exploring all the comes with legal weed. We will be staying in LA, Denver and Vegas and would really appreciate any recommendations for where to pick up some nice dispensary weed! Im travelling from...
  6. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Still smashing my anvil! I do find that it like to be kept clean! Oh and I just received the Blazer Stingray! Works very well with the anvil!!
  7. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    How is everyone packing their anvil? I was packing my .1g bowl by scooping in the weed, then giving it a light tamp. which gave a really nice toasted hit. But by packing the same bowl by jamming/ramming it into my medium grind hg I get a much thicker and denser hit. I think I have been a...
  8. Stonedbadger

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    Yep got a notification on my 4/20 order just now
  9. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Anyone had any information regarding there 4/20 orders? 8 days later I have heard nothing
  10. Stonedbadger

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    @Whiff just wondering if you know when our 4/20 orders will ship as it is now a week later and I haven't heard anything from @Vestratto
  11. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Hey all, Just a heads up, but this worked really well for me. I just smashed a bowl was so full, rich and tasty. I heated it up on the battery before hitting it at the initial clicks, and after mmm maybe 5 seconds, I blasted it with the torch again for a few seconds.... mmmmmm was so good...
  12. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    No nothing, its a bit strange
  13. Stonedbadger

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    I wonder when our 420 goodies will ship @Vestratto ?
  14. Stonedbadger

    The Nomad From Morwood

    Im in batch 2 which is just starting as far as I understand. I've been waiting a good fair while now. Its not worried me for the most part as Dan has been taking us all on a journey so we can aee the development of our beautiful future vapes via his excellent communication skill and brilliant...
  15. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Bam! Done, XL mouthpiece, .2 bowl, extra bowl and case Now its time to get stoned!
  16. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    We have been lied too!!
  17. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    there's nothing!!
  18. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    The only problem that I am having with my Anvil, is that I am finding it very moreish.. I recommend taking a bit of time with your torch and a stopwatch/phone timer it get yourself dialled in. See whiffs recommended heating times. (side note, I reckon you should add those to the...
  19. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I'm keen to try the bigger bowl!! But I got so toasted off 4 bowls last night. Slept like a baby hehe
  20. Stonedbadger

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Ok, keep in mind that I have only just had three bowls through this vape, but fuck, I am very impressed. For the ratio of herb to hit, this thing hits like a beast! Its fucking well made, mine is solid with no wiggle and I found the airflow easy to adjust. I took mine apart and rinsed in iso...
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