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  1. Canadianguy

    Tek Loading From The top Of The Glass Syringe?

    I want to fill a few 1ml glass syringes and want to do it from the top pulling out the plunger. I read a few places when putting the plunger back in you have to take the air out, using a needle or something or pushing the plunger down on a angle, didn't really understand that one? Any...
  2. Canadianguy

    Help my mix....thc juice

    Oh's just cherry oil , all I have for now.
  3. Canadianguy

    Help my mix....thc juice

    I was thinking since I have such a diluted mix in my cart now. Anyway can I take the top off the cart and put a little bit of just oil into the cartridge? Would it be able to blend in? Greg
  4. Canadianguy

    Help my mix....thc juice

    This very first cart, it is so dilluted compared to what your doing. your not using any PG either, Used: .7ml .3 concentrate .7 50%/50% PG/PEG 4 No wonder it tastes crap. I didn't have any Terpenes at the time now I have a couple of ml's of OG Kush Terpenes
  5. Canadianguy

    Help my mix....thc juice

    Are you finding shatter better to use or maybe its more available to you? Never tried that yet:) my next time around I'm going to try your method on a ccell cart 1ml.
  6. Canadianguy

    Help my mix....thc juice

    Nice! Thanks for getting is it working for you?
  7. Canadianguy

    Help my mix....thc juice

    How much concentrate are you adding? Your going 33 pg 33 terpenes 33 concentrate?
  8. Canadianguy

    Help my mix....thc juice

    It sure taste shitty for sure! PEG and PG 50-50 mix I have. It sure binds together nice. Do you think a 60 mix and 40 concentrate would not be to thick? It's oil so not as potent as I would like.
  9. Canadianguy

    Adding Terpenes Back Into Oil?

    hi just noticed this post. Your saying you put 2 or 3 drops into a already pre filled cart, are your carts already pre mixed? Wasn't it to strong? I'm new and trying to learn.. Thanks
  10. Canadianguy

    Adding Terpenes Back Into Oil?

    You could try Fusion Canada, fast shipping. i just purchased from there..
  11. Canadianguy

    Help my mix....thc juice

    Your using your mix for a cart?, Isn't that going to be super thick? How much pg and terp all together do you use before you mix it with the gram? I hear yeh, love your ratio...I want the purest too, i'm just going by what a few people had done. It worked really well. Always looking for...
  12. Canadianguy

    Tek New to Terps??

    I have some cherry oil and i have been mixing 1 ml cartridges with 50% PEG 4000 with 50% PG. I use a .7 of that with a .3 of the concentrate, mixing around 160 - 180f. My first one turned out amazing! i'm using the ccell 1 ml cartridges. i just got some OG Kush terps today, I have never used...
  13. Canadianguy

    Help my mix....thc juice your post! My exact dilemma.... I have a 1 ml of cherry oil and i have been mixing PEG 4000 with the PG. I use a .7 of that with a .3 of the concentrate. My first one turned out amazing! i'm using the ccell 1 ml cartridges. i just got some OG Kush terps today, I have never used them...
  14. Canadianguy

    Kanboro 510 Qaurtz Nail

    I have this nail on my 510 battery and at the outside bottom, when I clean it it shows a little trace of oil in the groove. I'm thinking there is some kind of a micro crack.Is this still okay to use? Thanks
  15. Canadianguy

    I have a 100 watt TC Eleaf Battery....?

    And using a Kananboro 510 nail with it. Does the Eleaf battery need to be set to titanium while using a TI nail on the 510? Does it matter? Thanks
  16. Canadianguy

    New Portable H Enail with built in glass bubbler by Green Light Vapes

    I just picked up a G9 H Enail 3.0. How long does 1 cycle last roughly?
  17. Canadianguy

    New Portable H Enail with built in glass bubbler by Green Light Vapes you have to use the bubbler that comes with it? Can use with out? Thanks
  18. Canadianguy

    Arizer Solo

    I looked again the stubbys are 70 mm, that's a lot shorter then the turbo stems. FYI I just phoned Planet Vape......they got all new stock in TODAY including the Vortex stubbys and should be in the system for sale on Monday! She says the stubbys get warmer but not to warm? Only way is to test...
  19. Canadianguy

    Arizer Solo

    Does the Arizer Air stem mouth pieces fit on the PVHESVortexStubby? Are the vortex 60 mm or 70 mm? Thanks
  20. Canadianguy

    Arizer Solo II

    Hi .... been a while, I came on to see what you guys were saying about the new Solo 2. I'm getting one! I just noticed on PlanetVape the going for 219.95cad. i think there coming out in the second week of this May 2017! Peace
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