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  1. narrowsparrow

    CBD Question

    Yes. The product I got is designed for pets. The stuff my friend gave me does not specify, so I won't be trying that one for Sadie.
  2. narrowsparrow

    CBD Question

    Well, this has certainly been a learning experience. My excitement over finding something to help this poor dog has now evolved into a great concern over using CBD. I guess the only thing I can do is to give her a really tiny dose and observe her carefully. If there are no signs of increased...
  3. narrowsparrow

    CBD Question

    "Our CBD hemp oil is produced from organic, European grown hemp plants. Since we use the entire plant (seeds and stalk), our CBD hemp oil provides all of the benefits of CBD while also providing the multitude of additional benefits provided by the terpenoids and flavonoids. ...CBD Hemp Oil...
  4. narrowsparrow

    CBD Question

    I am not insistent on using the CBD. That's why I posted the question so I could get some information. Based on what I've read here and elsewhere, I decided against using it. I purchased a hemp product, but not canna-pet. See link above.
  5. narrowsparrow

    CBD Question

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Came across this while trying to find something to help Sadie:
  6. narrowsparrow

    CBD Question

    Thanks, little Maggie. I'll check out the zylkene for sure. Are the cannabis pills you got hemp or actual marijuana of some kind?
  7. narrowsparrow

    CBD Question

    Thank you for the warning, Snappo. I don't know what to do. The Thundershirt was a colossal failure as was Rescue Remedy, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, and even Xanax (the vet told me to do that one).
  8. narrowsparrow

    CBD Question

    I am trying to figure out how much CBD to give my dog during thunderstorms. I've tried every possible cure for this problem (really!), and none has worked. The poor animal really suffers terribly when there is thunder and lightening. All of those stress hormones floating around in her body can't...
  9. narrowsparrow

    The mail

    You made a wise decision. Eatrocks. I've been sick for 30 years and in a lot of pain the whole time. So I wasn't as wise as you. I took those NSAIDS (including Mobic) for over 20 years. Caught up with me; my guts are a mess, and I may have liver damage, too. Have always been a fan of weed, so I...
  10. narrowsparrow

    The mail

    Hey, thanks, AgentofChaos. The "Smelly" bags from Planet K don't do very much at all. I'm getting some of these. And I am also a fan of anarchy.
  11. narrowsparrow

    The mail

    Giving those plants to that hairdresser was an act of kindness and generosity, seaofgreens. Good on you! It is interesting to realize that PLU's (people like us) are sometimes just a couple of doors down, so to speak. We find each other.
  12. narrowsparrow

    The mail

    Well, my buddy called & said she mailed a bunch of stuff to herself, and her neighbor got the package off the porch with no issues at all. She used USPS and a lot of ground coffee. I guess you never know.... :shrug: Am still going to look into getting seeds.
  13. narrowsparrow

    The mail

    Reality is so annoying. You guys have scared me off. I'll be dead and gone by the time MM is available in Texas! I used to be young and reckless, but gettin' up there has made me less so. I appreciate everyone's input. Still thinking about it, but it's an 80/20 decision now. No way to get any...
  14. narrowsparrow

    The mail

    I heard Fed-Ex was bud-friendly. And then I heard it wasn't! But the vacuum seal is a good idea. She will have to buy something up there. Any suggestions? Did you put a return address on your pkg?
  15. narrowsparrow

    The mail

    I am diagnosed with three different inflammatory diseases, all of which cause considerable pain. I took 800 mg. of ibuprofen for 20 years and rotted my guts. So for the last eight months, Ive just been kind of gritting my teeth. Am exhausted and mean! All I can find here is an indica hybrid...
  16. narrowsparrow

    Herb Grinders

    I knew there had to be a secret handshake or something! Thank you, George1151. Since I can't risk stinking up my house by employing the boiling method, I opted for the cold alcohol method. Worked great! Just took a toothbrush, some toothpicks, and a few Q-Tips plus a little elbow grease, and my...
  17. narrowsparrow

    Herb Grinders

    OK, Stu. This is really embarrassing, but I can't figure out how to do a PM. :rolleyes: This board is different from the boards I'm used to.
  18. narrowsparrow

    Herb Grinders

    Good tips, winegums! I especially like your last idea. :rofl: However, I don't know what a puck is, other that in hockey.
  19. narrowsparrow

    Herb Grinders

    Time for me to clean my Space Case. Any advice about the best way to do this? I read that there is a Grunge Off for metal, but I have to belief there's a DIY method that would be considerably less expensive. I have the four-piece titanium model. Thank you! PS What do I do with the "pollen?"
  20. narrowsparrow

    Discontinued Pax 2

    Agreed, vnsmkr! The screen is history. BFD.
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