Hi I have a mac and an Espion 200w on the way . Can i install the Red Panda bin file via the Joyetech Updater or does it have to be NFE tools as cant seem to get it to open on my Macbook . Is it PC only ?
Can anyone talk me through the procedure please ?
Hi have a Joyetech Espion on the way . Can anyone give me a walkthrough for installing RedPanda onto this device please with links etc
It would be much appreciated . Thanks
Thanks for your reply .
I already own a Vapcap M and while it’s convenient , after the first heat cycle the flavour just isn’t that great to me .
How do they compare , do you think they’re different enough for me to purchase a Vaponic ?
Hi is the Vaponic + the same as the Vaponic but with a wooden sleeve . If I remove the sleeve is it just a standard Vaponic ?
Just not sure if I will like/need the sleeve .
Hi thanks very much for your reply yes it’s a 316 ss coil but how do I set the TCR to 185 it doesn’t seem to have the option . Do I need to do this in Escribe ?
Hi does anyone know of any DNA settings for the Stempod . Have a DNA75c and have some TCR settings jotted down somewhere but don’t know if DNA devices even have TCR settings , can’t find any .... any help would be great .
Hi I’m definitely looking to buy a Tetra x when possible . Have a brand new Joyetech VTwo Mini on the way . Can I put the Tetra x firmware on this unit ?
I can only find the Tubo software on the Lamart website .