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  1. L

    Discontinued Healthy Rips FIERCE

    Yes I 1st swollen battery was replaced by HR, then few months after had a different issue while troubleshooting I got an Xtra battery and now 1 of those batteries got swollen because it stayed inside the device while charging
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    Discontinued Healthy Rips FIERCE

    I can shake it until is a bit out and the I can pull it with pliers, but come on shouldn't do that...HR support has been great but this is my 3rd battery.... I left the device with the battery charged and plugged to power maybe 7-8 hours and had to use pliers to get it out....
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    Discontinued Healthy Rips FIERCE

    Well no luck after it cools down, I mean I can still use it but it give me trouble to get it shouldn't do that
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    Discontinued Healthy Rips FIERCE

    Fierce is a great device the only thing that I don't like is that the fierce cover has worn out and that if you are charging the battery using the device and you fall sleep or forget it, the battery will inflate... I really hate that, besides that is a great device, full extraction, great flavor
  5. L

    What box mod are you using / recommending for on-demand convection 510 vapes?

    But the smart feature is off or not selected
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    What box mod are you using / recommending for on-demand convection 510 vapes?

    Yes, I'm confused's locked should stay...maybe a bug of the firmware? BTW I have try the last 2 firmwares, same issue with both
  7. L

    What box mod are you using / recommending for on-demand convection 510 vapes?

    I have reload sinuous P80 firmware then load articfox and is doing that crazy thing...also sometimes I turn it on and switch profiles by itself, is there a way to do a complete reset?
  8. L

    What box mod are you using / recommending for on-demand convection 510 vapes?

    Got a question, I'm using a P80 running articfox (TCR) and have locked the coil to .23, should the coil value increase when I'm using it?
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    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    I will take a look at it, thkz
  10. L

    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    I'm using artifox latest firmware. Abv hasn't been consistent, sometimes it's ok others I get hotspots, others I have combust...still playing with it
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    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    1 full day of testing.... Right now I have set TCR to 130... still not really sure if it's ok as sometimes I feel like I lost flavor....What other setting should I tweak...
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    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    No, not all, all good
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    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    Well Im new to this and just need guidance
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    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    W True, I think I'm getting there.....still testing
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    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    Thank for all the replies, what exactly I'm looking for? When I will know I'm at my sweet spot
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    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    Resistance - .23 TCR - 190
  17. L

    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    Hi I could use some help. Installed artic fox firmware in my P80, load settings from the imp page, I'm getting vapor, clouds but I'm also getting hotspots and like combustion too, any help/advise? Thanks
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    Discontinued Healthy Rips FIERCE

    Just curious, does it happens with any strain?
  19. L

    Discontinued Imp by MistVape

    I'm new to the Imp and so far I luv it...still learning looking for the perfect settings for me.... I also used a p80
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