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  1. kokolokokolokon

    XMAX Starry 4, Portable Vaporizer

    The starry 4 is great for hash. Maybe would be good xmax makes a specific capsule for hash. One with a little different form factor maybe…and holes on the side instead on the botton
  2. kokolokokolokon

    Dani Fusion by Battery-free Ganz

    Right now there is no good portable ih for the fusion. With the wand you would need 2 cycles/~2min for just normal results and having a super slow heat up…the heat go through the stem, making it very hot But they will release an ih called The Flare
  3. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    @VapingYogi when you say 2mm balls you want to say 2,5mm? Or really 2mm?
  4. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    The black one is DLC, not PVD. Much more resistant (and i can tell you that for sure :lol:)
  5. kokolokokolokon


    Daaaaamn here in Spain we can sell grenadille wood and products made with it (the castanets are made with grenadille :D:D great sound) I love that wood, a lot
  6. kokolokokolokon


    I watched the sneaky pete video using the station. Tiny, comfortable and beautiful. Love it Maybe the higher levels of the dial need more power for hash? I can’t say it because i dont have it. What do you think about it?
  7. kokolokokolokon


    You want me to save money, huh? :lol: Damn i want the case and the station :doh::freak: (and maybe the new mouthpiece) Do you guys think the new case is far better than the old one? worth it to take it over the the old? (i see some EU pages with the old wood case and it is way cheaper cause the...
  8. kokolokokolokon


    Interested to see how the station works with hash. The combo looks like some kind of traditional hash log vape
  9. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I want to see how it works with the flare since it can reach up to 120W :D
  10. kokolokokolokon

    Angus Enhanced

    With the bubbler is easier to make bigger clouds and cooler vapor. I need to try it with water :lol:
  11. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Maybe you have 3mm balls. The 80 balls are ould be using the 2,5mm. And, if you use 2mm balls, you would need more than 100
  12. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Do you use glass balls for that quad flame torch?
  13. kokolokokolokon

    Angus Enhanced

    Angus enhanced at 230 :brow::science:
  14. kokolokokolokon

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Thank you!!
  15. kokolokokolokon

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Do you know if airvape will do a special offer for the ones who have the legacy pro? (i remember you told us it is planned for the end of the year)
  16. kokolokokolokon

    Angus Enhanced

    I didn´t use it yet because yllvape told me the usb of my angus is not the good one to do it, it is on the way. In the time i have it i will try it (of course, 235C for the lvl5) and i will share how with video/images
  17. kokolokokolokon

    Angus Enhanced

  18. kokolokokolokon

    Angus Enhanced

    Yesterday i was testing how much a full charge last. 11 sessions (5 min cycles) at lvl4 with a used 2x Golisi S30 (this batteries have been used in the wand and the Yllih for a long time). I started every sessions waiting just a minutes after the previous one, and i have to say this device keep...
  19. kokolokokolokon

    Battery Free Ganz - The Flare Induction heater

    if everything is going well with the betas, will be released at the end of April. (Info from BFG)
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