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  1. McNerdius

    Arizer Solo

    Perhaps i've missed it [after reading the whole thread from page one] but i haven't seen in any of the photos where the serial is located. So the following may be both obvious and/or useless, i'm just going to throw it out there anyhow. In the past, my policy with laptops and similar has been...
  2. McNerdius

    Arizer Solo

    Order placed. I've been telling myself to wait - but alas... i have a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity to snap one up so i will. Besides, i'll quite likely be getting a second one anyway, right ? Plus i've got some secret military technology waiting to study the particulars of the airpath, as...
  3. McNerdius

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Firstly, as RumbleShorts stated, BEAUTIFUL wood. Incredible variety and originality ! The first question that pops into my head is in regard to the variation in temperature calibration due to differences in size and style. What kind of experience can be expected here ?
  4. McNerdius

    can someone recommend some good stash jars?

    A bit late getting in this thread, buuuuut i think the post is worth it. Goto Lowes and buy a PVC cap and plug of the same size. Any size. 50 cents to 3 bucks per container. Note i only use this for (very) short term storage. Typically i'll keep a small mason jar or a baby food jar full of...
  5. McNerdius

    4/20/2011-any plans?

    Well... this was a few nights ago, but it was my "early 420" - i munched probably 3 brownies worth of good cannabudder the night of the 17th. I only had a bit of cannabudder i'd been saving for 420 - BUT i knew it was gonna be my last time in a year or two before i get to have fun again, so i...
  6. McNerdius

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I will keep this simple: What is the origin of the quote: "Love is that which enables choice. Love is always stronger than Fear. Always choose on the basis of Love." Also, maybe i'm being a douche, but i, for one, would love to see something like a mahogany or walnut launch box. I'd...
  7. McNerdius

    The Magic-Flight Box

    That's something i actually *was* going to go further into in my original post, but i figured it'd be getting a bit off topic. But now that i have an excuse, i'll spill the beans ! :D I've had epilepsy all my life, and as my control over them has improved, so has my ability to feel them...
  8. McNerdius

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Buttmunch ! :uhoh: no see i had a '!' in there... so, not buttmunch ? really though, if i could think of a "better" nerdy way to put my avatar together and still have it be "correct" syntax and whatnot i would. I realized when i made it that most people would be going "what the hell is an...
  9. McNerdius

    The Magic-Flight Box

    The ! in front of 'seizures' in nerd-speak for "not." like in c/c++. i'm nothing but a hopeless nerd, i tell you !
  10. McNerdius

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hello, i would LOVE to share with the folks at this forum my wonderful, wonderful experience with the Launch Box. When i first saw this vaporizer, i was both amazed and hesitant, telling myself to wait and see some reviews. I must say, the stubborn penny-pincher in me waited to long to get...
  11. McNerdius

    National 420 Sit-In

    Not that it would work at all, but it would *especially* not work in rural areas for that reason. The whole idea being tens of thousands of simultaneous arrests in every area of every major city in the US. In my little head something like that *should* lead somewhere... even though in the DSA...
  12. McNerdius

    National 420 Sit-In

    Here's an idea, however stupid. I don't know if it's been tried, considered, or whatever... Pick a place in your city, where it is legal to smoke tobacco, that also gets a bit of pedestrian traffic. Everyone you know, and everyone they know, goes there midnight 4:20, and lights up a joint...
  13. McNerdius

    Medical uses

    I vape to treat my epilepsy. I've cut my rx dosage in half, and all of it's prior side effects are gone. And yeah, it's still illegal in nebraska, so i'm a common criminal for doing so. fuck 'em.
  14. McNerdius

    My Stash Container Solution

    w00t !!! After hub wrote what he wrote about safety, i felt it necessary to double-check my facts and make sure pvc was safe. found it ! there are a couple links in there to some scientific studies and whatnot... here's a quote to help us feel assured...
  15. McNerdius

    My Stash Container Solution

    i've read about this and have come to the conclusion that there are two things you can do to pvc to make it icky for you: Heat it, which releases dioxin, *OR*, plasticize it, which will allow the plasticizers to leach out. I'm not smoking out out of it, so that rules out dioxin. AFAIK, these...
  16. McNerdius

    My Stash Container Solution

    Some of my local home depots didn't have the plugs. lowes did tho, as did ace hardware. it was weird. like they dont want people using plugs.
  17. McNerdius

    My Stash Container Solution

    Glass ? Light Proof ? :o Seriously tho... Other than the light-proof thing, I tend to... leave stuff laying around. If all you can see is a strange PVC creation it won't mean much. Particularly me since i have a LOT of odd pvc crap laying around at my place. I have a (mostly) pvc coin...
  18. McNerdius

    Post pics of your side-kick stoner cat(s) or any other animal

    We've got 3 cats... One of them seems unaffected when we vape. Another is like... "what the hell" the whole time, and i kinda feel bad for her, but who knows. The boy though... HE KNOWS. HE LOOOOVES. I think it's when i preheat the vape, he smells it. He comes and lays on the back of the...
  19. McNerdius

    My Stash Container Solution

    We all store stuff, right ? There's probably 3 crowds here when it comes to storage: 1) Baggies for everything. 2) Expensive wood or other crazy type stuff. 3) Somewhere in between. That's me. It's gotta be... Cheap. Lightproof, Airtight, and spiffy. Altoid tins aren't airtight. Well...
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