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  1. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    It is strange because the basics of the system is simple. Sounds like a friend told me about a defective angus, which allowed air pass with a bad mouthpiece…but in the tempest it is hard to be. If you take the full head, close the airflow, put your fingers on the air intake of the cap (to avoid...
  2. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    @akp55 so no good vapor with the full helix and direct airflow, more closed or open airflow on the cap, with the herb a little loose, with the wand or with torch…? Even full open airflow cap, triple torch, zirc balls and simple straight stem? :o
  3. kokolokokolokon


    I have 2 vapman. A 2.0 and an italian one (i know both are italian :D). The last time I tried the old one I did get similar results. Im going to try to move the rod in a moment. Let’s see if im lucky! (And thank you all! :love:)
  4. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Damn, the manual has been improved a lot! Love it
  5. kokolokokolokon


    My vapman doesn’t touch the walls of the station but I will try it multiples times until i get a good results. This have to work!
  6. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I use to use a deeper position on the wand for hash or to get better mtl hits and it gives me a good amount of vapor. So it shouldn’t be a problem
  7. kokolokokolokon


    I did it some time ago, but maybe I did it wrong (sure :lol:). I should try it more than once. Any point if reference to know it is well done? I didnt try to set the stand again because of this. I tried it but i saw no difference
  8. kokolokokolokon


    maybe. Sometimes I try to set it on 1, heat it one time, and then set it on 9….and seems like it has a little more of power. But normally, to get visible vapor (not huge clouds) with hash I need to heat the vapman 3 consecutive times at 9, I take the hit on the third one. Like any other vape I...
  9. kokolokokolokon


    Did anyone share videos showing the results with the vapman station? To see how it should be. Sometimes I notices ok results with herb at 7-8 and sometimes poor results even at 9. And with hash i need some reheats at 9. I did read from some of you that you use it at 3, 5, 6…..
  10. kokolokokolokon

    Alternative vape to the Grasshopper?

    The ttinymight and the v3 pro are good options. Maybe to add the convex (since it heats up super fast and looks like it rocks no matter the amount you use…)
  11. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I have a blue revolve gen2. It has the first day color. Stunning blue. I suppose it can be affected in the heating zone
  12. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I do it. after a head up the wand adapter gets wet inside, but I use a little paper towel to dry it without problems
  13. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    In cool down of the heads. The cooldown of the ti tempest stem is great, and the cool down of the dyndyn is horrible (sorry for the offtopic)
  14. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    One thing is that the color black absorbs more light and therefore black surfaces exposed to the sun heat up more...quite another is that it cools the vapor in your vaporizer better. The black one doesnt cool more than the raw one The DLC coating is top notch for durability.
  15. kokolokokolokon

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    thank you! But “does not exist”
  16. kokolokokolokon

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Do you know if there is any fuckcombustion code for accesories?
  17. kokolokokolokon

    Angus Enhanced

    Lets give more love to the Angus enhanced! 230C + boost The vapor doesnt look super dense….but damn, I just killed the bowl very fast. The abv was light, but the punch in the head was blunt :lol: To get a dark abv with the AE you need to do long sessions. This vape can extract very good...
  18. kokolokokolokon

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    If you use a desktop ball vape with large chamber (using a big amount of herb), then you can’t expect none of the butane vapes will give that high. BUT if you vape small amounts and control a little your tolerance (or want to do that things, more or less) welcome. IMO go from a exposed coil to a...
  19. kokolokokolokon

    Dual-Bowl Dry Herb Vapozier YESON2

    I use to talk with egl, and looks like it is not from them (you can think what you want. I still use the 2con). I see this like a great idea. A glass chamber heated by a ceramic tube and a glass stem. It is radiant conduction mainly, the one in lacentralevapeur is better explained (and they...
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