lol........This guy's got a real flare for the obvious. No living thing just gives up their life. It is in the DNA of every living thing to survive and this concept doesn't take away in one iota that different species will naturally hunt and kill for food, including us. The one big...
Ya know, we really do need to elevate our image. The sophomoric attitudes presented here as well as in the general MJ community paints us all in a bad light and the title of this site just perpetuates this image. If we really want to be taken seriously by the general public, we need to...
I don't know, man. Humanity is not all it's cracked up to be. While there are glimpses of greatness, there is such a overabundance of "wrongdoing", that one has to wonder if humanity deserves to survive.
^^ " THAT'S just a cheap imitation of my pussy". (lol.........That should be a t-shirt with arrows pointing in the opposite directions that two girls would wear walking side by side down the street.)
This is MINE:
Yeah. Agreed. The road is not going to be an easy one. It won't just be who wants it and who doesn't, but who can afford it and who can't.
Man, people think we have a race and class issue now? We ain't seen nothin' yet.
Never read him, Tweek, but if I had to place a bet, I don't think man versus machine is the scenario. What I do believe though is that man and machine will become one in our search for immortality. We are already on that path.
Check out the balancing gyro's in this guy on ice and when one of the techs tries to push him over or when it walks over cinder blocks or jumping over barriers. Pretty fucking amazing:
What boggles the mind though is these are vids that are the ones that are released to the public (and the...