Hi everybody, l vaporize my weed since february 2013, l begun to feel that my lungs are tiredfull ,my baby was born some months ago and my wife don't smoke (now l smoke yet but 3 little blunts per day mixed with tobacco the bad european habit): it was time to change and somebody offer me the...
I will get my own one tmorrow or tuesday and if I made some bho sometime i made qwiso (ethanol) most part of the time.
When i get it l want to try own bho and qwiso but Aaron tell me that hash or kief is not a good idea for atomizer longlife(but he tell me that it work)
Thank you Inhalater I received few days ago my free capsules (3), this is more than l thought...very nice!
But this ones are different than the 2 that l get with my unit,first news are lighters, fit really good but it miss the white part(ceramique or teflon.;;)under the screen and there is...
My FW is still working really good, I use it everyday. I think that it will be a nice idea if Firewwood corp make a special price for replacement unit when the battery will dead (if they don't resolve the battery replacement issue before).
I like my FW but I hate the idea that it will finish in...
Hi guys, if your Cloud is dead, could you tell us how many times it was working? and when it die it was an accident(fall,;;;) or it just stop to work?
If you can give us an answer it will be nice because l want to know how many time can l expect that my Cloud work.
And if there is some peoples...
Je pense en effet que bien qu'il soit basé sur la convection il y a un peu de conduction aussi mais pas au point de cuire le bol sans actionner le trigger, quant à la chaleur de la vapeur elle me semble moins importante que sur le xp(qui chauffe en permanence).
Je t'avouerai que je n'ai même pas...
Hi guys, do you know how can l clean the screen into the bowl of my xp because it seems dirty?
and the capsule screen, (l think a iso bath but l'm not sure that it's ok for polymide)?
on pourrait l'utiliser comme tu le dis mais il met plus de temps à chauffer que la mflb je pense qu'il est plutôt fait pour une session complète, mais pourquoi pas?
Le goût est bien meilleur que la mflb, cependant mis à part le coté bois extérieur le FW et la mflb on rien à voir au niveau du...
I want to order one too but l want to know how much autonomy there is in the mini and in the standard and if l just need an adaptater (l live in france)?
How many time can l expect that the glass atomizer works(if i need to order more atomizers?)
Does it work with reclaim and home made bho(not...
I vape my reclaim in my xp in a little ball of cotton, when l see your post l'm just loading a capsule my fv and mflb stems reclaim, it produce larger clouds at 7 and l finish at 8 to be sur that everything is vaped.
I make exactly the same with my kief, before cotton I used abv but taste is...