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  1. PPN

    Ego battery longlife

    Hi FC, I use hard a ego battery which comes with my bholt in the summer and it seems that the battery had really poor performances now, I used it to handle Bholt attys, DrDabber and Omicron cartridges but now it works only with his Bholt and I get really whispy hits. Do you know how many times...
  2. PPN


    Hi, I received my second replacement unit yesterday (so this is my third unit...), I bought it in April, Like last times the unit works really fast the first times, so fast that I need to put 2 spacers if I don't want to combust (it happened one time...) I hope this unit will be the one, it...
  3. PPN


    En effet toutes les expéditions passant par un service de poste traditionnel ne m'ont posé aucun souci de dédouanement, seul un colis envoyé par chronopost m'a couté des taxes supplémentaires (et qu'il m'a fallu aller récupérer à 80 bornes de chez moi, bye, bye chronopost!)
  4. PPN


    FL just told me exactly what you said before, without CE certifs no package IF customs open it.... Happy to heard that!
  5. PPN


    Aîe, it's a bad new, you make me afraid but I ask to Epickai to write a lower price on the package, I thougt that customs open it if it's expensive, I'm crossing my fingers.... J'espère que ça passera les douanes car d'après Herbalist 23 il pourrait être arrêté aux douanes pour manque de...
  6. PPN

    nettoyage des vaporisateur.

    Pour éviter que mon Xp ne s'encrasse trop je place systématiquement une petite boule de coton(souvent imbibé de reclaim) dans l'extrémité de la capsule qui sera au fond du four et je l'utilise la plupart du temps la tête en bas ce qui évite que de l'huile tombe tout au fond. De puis que je fais...
  7. PPN

    Adaptateurs US => France

    Salut, tous mes vapos portables ne nécessitent qu'un adaptateur, ceci dit ce n'est pas le cas de tous (je crois que le Pax nécessite un convertisseur par exemple) le FF est très récent et il ya peu de retour de clients internationaux donc le mieux serait de contacter directement le fabriquant (à...
  8. PPN

    Discontinued Epicvape EV-1/EV-2

    Yes it is, I don't get it yet (next week if I'm really lucky...) but I prefer it to other log vape for its ability to adjust the t° and the whip but the E-nano seems a really nice vape too (powerfull and I like the little size but not the t° adjustment on the cord, on the vape itself would be...
  9. PPN

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    I get mine (Q2) more than 6 monts ago, I use it dialy 1 or 2 bowls, 1 and half session per bowl but to preserve it I don't carry it, it's one of my portable at home, I like to use it the morning in the bathroom or outside in the garden but I never carry it outside (for this I prefer the FW or...
  10. PPN

    Discontinued Epicvape EV-1/EV-2

    The EV-2 is bigger than the E-nano (they told me a can of cola inside a can of red bull...), the ev-2 is a log vape whip style, it come with a whip kit, no stems I think(?), but you can use it with a gong (special one with baskets into). There is a boost mode for concentrates and quick heating...
  11. PPN


    Après discussion avec Ace of vape et (courte) réflexion j'ai craqué pour mon 1er log vape et me suis commandé un EV-2 à 117 euros et des boulettes! avec les 50% de réduction et les frais d'expédition international. Le EV-2 est plus grand que le e-nano, une cannette de cola à coté d'une canette...
  12. PPN


    Salut, je viens voir si quelqu'un a déjà eu une experience avec le ev-2 ou le e-nano, je souhaiterai profiter des 50% sur le ev-2 (code EV50). le vapo+expedition internationale + whip kit est à 168.45 usd avec la promo! Je suppose que le souci sera la nécessité d'avoir un convertisseur de...
  13. PPN

    Discontinued Epicvape EV-1/EV-2

    Hi, I would to know the differences between ev-2 and e-nano, please Should I get a convertissor? I'm european user
  14. PPN

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Sometime I'm a little bit :doh:
  15. PPN

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    I found it, this is nickel, thanks
  16. PPN

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    What the hot plate is made of? please This is stainless steel or aluminium, because I'm trying to make a DIY lotus, it seems really simple but perhaps not easy to make...
  17. PPN

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    You start in the vapeworld with one of the better vape in my opinion, take time to learn to use it and it will become your better friend. the first days I got it, i expected too much of it and I was a little bit disapointed but now I'm able to get long dry smooth session or short w/water cloudy...
  18. PPN

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Ok, I understand this is the difference between v1 and v2, but, after done a session with my FW, I realized that I wrote a mistake just before, I can't combust in 1mn, perhaps 2 but I don't want to check it!
  19. PPN

    Firewood Vaporizer

    It seems to me that your unit is faulty, with mine (V1) I combust if I keep the trigger on more than 1mn....
  20. PPN

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    I use a arizer cyclone bowl, the xp fit perfectly into, but you need an adaptater male/male18mm or use it directly in your oil rig. Before that I used a blue hygienic tip in a 18/14mm adaptater or a tip with a glass mouthpiece make a good seal in 18mm. I like it so much.....I use it everyday...
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