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  1. PPN

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Hi CONUS guys, I see the MV single on at 409usd with free shipping, it's a very good deal for a so high end product, the battery powered is 519usd. 409usd=300euros, Minivap manufacture price is 365 euros 519usd=380euros,Minivap manufacture price is 465 euros Jump on this deal guys!
  2. PPN

    Gear HE Carb Cap method

    I ordered a domeless ti nail but I cancel it since my cheap low-temp DIY e-nail + carb cap is working like a charm: I put a small dab (really smaller than before) in the cup of my DYD ti nail, nothing it happened before I put the carb cap (homemade) on my dome, I can take 2 big and tasty rips...
  3. PPN

    Looking for a $200(max) portable vape

    You can look at the new incoming Inhalater05, I like my Xp so much! I'm agree with SSVUN-YAH about the Solo and only the Solo cause the FF is overpriced (+200)and Ascent and PnP get too much issues and both are built in China! The Firewood is a very good choice and not really expensive, you...
  4. PPN

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    My experience with the originals TV: T1, Evolution and Revolution (not Dart) T1 is really tasty, can produces nice clouds with the right technique but my main issue with it was the restrictive draws (I tried different mods without success and it was clogged all the time and I used a screen on...
  5. PPN

    Venus Vaporizer

    Hi, how many mm is the silicone tubing provided with the unit? Which way are they using for shipping? Thanks
  6. PPN

    Vaporbrothers Dabbler & Eleven Pen

    Hi, Vaporbrothers, I have 2 1st generation glass wick heaters, one is working like new, the 2nd is very used (at least 5g through it!) and the coil is totally black (user error, I put into some very gooey oil made for eating!!!??!) and it starts to lost its structure (like a hole in the middle...
  7. PPN

    Venus Vaporizer

    You make me worry guys, I ordered one yesterday cause all the previous reviews told us this vape hit like a truck....I'll can see myself in a few days! How many days can I expect to wait before to test my Venus (I'm in EU)?
  8. PPN

    I decide to stop to buy cheap chinese vapes!

    Since 1 and 1/2 years I started to vape I bought several vapes built in China, all of them are dead in some months or less . My chinese vapes journey: - Vegavape: e-cig which combust, dead in 3 weeks - Noble Vapor VP600: desktop vape, not precise, lot of cheap parts I don't own it anymore...
  9. PPN

    Venus Vaporizer

    I'll join the Venusians! Can't wait! My Pax (a fake crappy one!) is dead today so I have a good reason to spent money! Do you think customs glass tops could be a nice idea? different forms and size, smaller for water filtration and bigger for dry use....mixed colors... ps: Hi Grange Goreman...
  10. PPN

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    Yes Inhalater must to communicate about this issue cause their "no worries" let me....worry! We can't expect to get a partial refund, so what do you plan to do for loyal supporters?
  11. PPN

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Yes I exagerated a bit when I spoke about a black and green abv, I just have some difficulties to extract all the goodies without getting some black spot, when I don't care about to get big clouds I have better results with abv (more evenly vaped). Learning curve is different than my V1, this...
  12. PPN

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    My last setup is the easier for me to use with watertools, i use a small piece (4cm) of large tubing (inside diameter is 9mm), one part is connected to the MV and the other fit in a 18/14mm reducer which fit all my 18mm watertools, it's easy to use you connect your MV inverted to the silicon...
  13. PPN

    Discontinued miVape by Vaporfection

    Could you post a link? please
  14. PPN

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Hi Herbivore21, I agree here you are the qwiso master, I was never able to produce a so nice final product from iso extraction!
  15. PPN

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    Ok guys, I decided to believe on you and I'll keep my IG perk as it is, wait and see
  16. PPN

    Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6

    What?!?!! Is it true? I'm one of the earlier contributer the indiegogo campaign but if it's true (I'll check it after...) and if it's possible to cancel my perk for a better price I'll do it! My perc is 170+30+20=220 and only get 1 glass capsule more than the Massdrop package (179.95 for 10...
  17. PPN

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I'm actually sitting on a good amount of really good kief (I think 50% after to scale it after vaping) and the Nano is awesome to handle it. before I vaped kief at 8.5 or 9 but I think now it tastes better at the same t° than flowers when I want to take a milky draw, so it's 7.25-7.5 max and it...
  18. PPN

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    I haven't got the PerseÏ gear but perhaps I can reply to you about taste difference, the worst oil tastes better in convection dab (if you don't crank up the t° too much) cause you don't vape the big amount of residues, just the goodies, convection dabs will vape most part of the residues that's...
  19. PPN

    herbalAire Elite

    I don't understand why this thread is still a candidate thread since the Elite is avalaible since several months...??!?
  20. PPN

    Firewood Vaporizer

    There is a glass tube in the oven, it's not user replaçable....
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