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  1. invertedisdead

    710 coils

  2. invertedisdead

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    I recently moved to a controller with a built in auto-shutoff... highly recommend. I've got mine set up to turn off after 30 minutes; and my consumption has already plummeted from that one simple feature.
  3. invertedisdead

    The Way of Cannabis

    I like to diffuse essential oils during my sessions to get the olfactory responses flowing. Roots, dub, funk, and soul music to promote med-i-tation and conscious thoughts & actions. And it's always important to get a nice long whiff of whatever medicine you are going to enjoy, those terpenes...
  4. invertedisdead

    Puffco Peak

    Agreed, I can't stand that splashguard, my buddy had it on for a while and I had to take it off, I feel like it makes me start drooling in the rig lol. And the backpack holds enough q tips for like two dabs so it's kind of clunky too.
  5. invertedisdead

    710 coils

    Of course you can, but if you really love your new tires, there's always a risk in shopping around that you could downgrade.
  6. invertedisdead

    Sapphire and Ruby inserts for bangers

    What experience are you basing this info off? Do you work in this industry?
  7. invertedisdead

    Sapphire and Ruby inserts for bangers

    I was referring to the Ramaura method. "The Ramaura™ Cultured Ruby is grown by the Flux technique, in a high temperature molten magma. While some manufacturers use a seed of synthetic ruby to start the growth process, only the Ramaura™ Cultured Ruby grows spontaneously, without a seed, just as...
  8. invertedisdead

    Sapphire and Ruby inserts for bangers

    Are you saying opaque quartz is porous like frit? Flux is a VERY different grow method. It's well documented...
  9. invertedisdead

    Sapphire and Ruby inserts for bangers

    opaque quartz is not frit though. It seems pretty unlikely that these ruby parts are flux grown, considering the ultra low price and rapid turnaround time? And machine time to finish each insert into an actual bucket with a diamond tipped blade would be super expensive I would think.
  10. invertedisdead

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

  11. invertedisdead

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    Uptemp dab off the MaxVapor!! This thing makes uptemps so easy, my mom could get a killer progressively ramping toke off this :rofl: Slap it and cap it! Really enjoying this controller, old school extra hefty made in USA build quality, it's tiny, but it's a tank! Clementine live sauce...
  12. invertedisdead

    The Official CannaBreak Thread

    That's a very unique analogy. Love it! Trying to cut back myself to experience those satiating effects!
  13. invertedisdead

    More or less?

    Smoking involves some level of discretion, being able to vape anywhere and everywhere can definitely be dangerous to tolerance.
  14. invertedisdead

    Sapphire and Ruby inserts for bangers

    Why not just run the insert in the 30mm? Sure you're gonna get more condensed vapor on the sidewalls of the banger which will need cleaning, but it would allow you to "get a taste" without spending all that coin upfront.
  15. invertedisdead

    18650 Battery Safety

    Yeah people vape juice in them. There's no temperature control at all so it's not even something we would want. It's basically a battery hooked directly to your atomizer with not much of any control in between.
  16. invertedisdead

    18650 Battery Safety

    That's pretty much how all of these cases seem to happen, incorrect understanding of Ohms Law + 18650 battery + unregulated mod = hand grenade I'd be curious in hearing of these cases happening with regulated mods? I feel like these manufacturers honestly don't want their mods exploding cause...
  17. invertedisdead

    Sapphire and Ruby inserts for bangers

    I guess the question is, can you even cut a "ruby" into the type of cup we are referencing, or does that shape alone facilitate glass fillings?
  18. invertedisdead

    18650 Battery Safety

    Wonder if this was another unregulated mechanical mod related incident like most of these stories are?
  19. invertedisdead

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    :science::science::science: Guys this thing is SOLID! It may be tiny but its got some real heft to it, as soon as you pick it up you're aware this is no joke! Love that crisp OLED screen, super easy to read. Seriously this thing punches above its screen size. Overall I was up and running in...
  20. invertedisdead

    What do Californians (and the rest) think of AUMA?

    From my chair it seems like that 25% tax turned out to be a pretty big turnoff... gee, I wonder who could have predicted that. Most people I know LOVE taxes! :rolleyes::D I've seen eights as high as $75... before the 25% tax :rofl: I guess if I vape one time a week that can become...
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