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  1. MegaMan2k

    Rosin Technique....Easy DIY Solventless

    i made a little rosin video the other day, vape it up guys :D
  2. MegaMan2k

    Dynavap VapCap

    Well I guess i will just have to create my own hash-friendly fam down here :D Vap caps for everybody!!!
  3. MegaMan2k

    Dynavap VapCap

    I have the same issue, my family lives in another country so i would also have to carry product on the plane- And they too are very judgemental when it comes to cannabis. Have not visited them in 3 years now, Prohibition makes it so much worse :( Im going to end up a lonely hash maker, lol
  4. MegaMan2k

    Dynavap VapCap

    True, im just stating that me personally im not too hung up on this mentallity of judging people by their appearance and in that way deviding "people" into groups, because your brain told you that people who has "this kind of tattoo" is most likely going to be like "this" dosent mean that is...
  5. MegaMan2k

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Aaah i see now he said the blind man as he picked up the hammer and saw! :D I use dc cleaner, does that even evaporate? :D
  6. MegaMan2k

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Im down for getting one m8, please keep me updated :D Whats the point of the joint being there, to have dabtool sitting in it or?
  7. MegaMan2k

    Dynavap VapCap

    But noone shared pictures of each other in here, so in reallity we wouldnt know if the primary part of vapcap users indeed look like this :D Jokes aside im just not a big fan of judging people by their apperance, it seems to me that its just another way to devide or seperate people
  8. MegaMan2k

    Dynavap VapCap

    So i finally got me a better lighter for my vapcap, it seems to be much stronger than my old single flame. I now wonder this : should i allways wait for 2 clicks? or is it sometimes only 1 click? maybe this lighter fires up too much and heats the thing so fast that the clicks almost comes in at...
  9. MegaMan2k

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Would you be able to insert vapcap with the rubbermouth piece into the Bowl?
  10. MegaMan2k

    Daily smokers, why are you still buying China glass?

    Just no, I think you need to go lay down and some hash my friend :D
  11. MegaMan2k

    Daily smokers, why are you still buying China glass?

    You must have faith brother, enter a random number :D
  12. MegaMan2k

    Daily smokers, why are you still buying China glass?

    I dont understand you seem upset about both american and chinese glass then xD And I agree with invertedisdead, ive used a disconnected phone number for all my orders and had no issues so far :D
  13. MegaMan2k

    Daily smokers, why are you still buying China glass?

    I guess you will get all that american glass for yourself then, and leave all this stupid china glass to us knuckleheads right :rofl::rofl: never heard of these horror stories, never had issues with ccg, my last 3 orders was delivered in 3 weeks :D i guess if you look at it statistically...
  14. MegaMan2k

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Been trying out the vinegar so far, do u soak it in this stuff over night if its real bad?
  15. MegaMan2k

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    i allways associated clean with little- to no resin build up, i need to step up my vinegar game now hah :D :science::science::science: Edit: I have something called : French apple cider vinegar Think this would work?
  16. MegaMan2k

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Ive only cleaned this pibe with hot water so far (Daily) this was just a photo mid sesh because i was thinking about the people in this thread :D i do have some issues getting the white / calcium build up away :-( It rips fantastic tho, i got it about 3 months ago and it has been my dd since...
  17. MegaMan2k

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Rips out in the sunshine via my Klein from CCG :D Cheers
  18. MegaMan2k


    Thats awsome man, i come from the same mindset as you- grow some poppies! I hope all these crazy situations all over the world will trigger more people to become their own problem solvers instead of relying on corporations / politicians,
  19. MegaMan2k

    Dynavap VapCap

    holy smokes oke i will not whine about noise so i can hear my click anymore xDDD
  20. MegaMan2k

    Dynavap VapCap

    Like feeling for the vibration in the fingertip ? xD
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