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  1. invertedisdead

    Random thoughts

    It takes incredible quality hash as the starting material but there's very minimal waxes in rosin of that quality. Dablogic and Blue River are the most notable brands I can think of, both have lots of interesting info on their instagram page. Blue River actually has a proprietaty solventless...
  2. invertedisdead

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    Stemless beakers are dope, easy to clean but timeless look! I think it looks sweet!
  3. invertedisdead

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    lol My bad I read your last post too fast/stoned, I thought you were looking to adjust the knobs sensitivity, I don't believe that setting changes anything regarding clicking the knob inward though.
  4. invertedisdead

    cococut oil vs tincture

    A truly efficient vaporizer should not leave much behind in the ABV. A proper decarb would achieve the maximum availabile potency, whereas ABV will be missing whatever you've already vaporized.
  5. invertedisdead

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    @MAbad System Settings > Knob Adjust :cheers:
  6. invertedisdead

    Glass 2-Piece Butane Vape

    Nice stuff, DIY vapes are awesome because they really shed light that vaporizing isn't really that complicated. Funny I just doodled a vape design extremely similar to this just a day or two ago using a similar 90 degree adapter, but with a simple modification to make it theoretically easier...
  7. invertedisdead

    cococut oil vs tincture

    It depends on your tolerance and how far you like to vape your herb but IMO, ABV is better suited to things like salves and topicals than tinctures and edibles. The tincture is essentially preserved from the alcohol so I would bet on it lasting the longest as lipid fats from oils will rancidify...
  8. invertedisdead

    Volcano Hybrid

    I've deformed a solid valve before, but it had to sit on the blasting heater for an hour to do it. It doesn't sound like anyone is leaving the Hybrid housing on the heat for anywhere near that amount of time. I don't have a Hybrid so I can't really tell for sure but based on photos the new...
  9. invertedisdead

    Random thoughts

    I just finished their Grape Pie x Cookies in my YoCan UNI Pro and it was so good! 11.5% terpenes :o Definitely some of the best full spectrum cartridges on the market! Outco and Buddies Liquid Diamonds are my favorites right now.
  10. invertedisdead

    Random thoughts

    We get some great Co2 sauce cartridges here with nice flavor, non distilled and unwinterized, no additives. We have rosin carts as well but the small batch nature of rosin makes those type of products extremely expensive.
  11. invertedisdead

    What's the smoothest vape on the market?

    You might try a more "combustion style" water pipe like a straight tube, with multiple levels of filtration/percolation. As noted this greatly affects flavor, but realistically the terpenes are probably one of the main antagonists against smooth vapor. Also, on-demand butane vapes which use...
  12. invertedisdead

    MaxVapor E-Nail - 2018 Version

    What did you have hooked up? Quartz banger? Flowerpot? Sounds normal to me, if you are using a banger you can slip the coil off for a faster cool down, but when paired together it definitely takes longer to cool with the nail acting as an insulator. I've also turned a fan on a couple times when...
  13. invertedisdead

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Yes! It's just the coil expanding/contracting
  14. invertedisdead

    Smart E-Nail by Perfect Dab Tech

    My thing with remote access is I store all my concentrates in the refrigerator, so because it takes longer for the hash to acclimate to ambient temp than my nail to heat up I just never really use it.
  15. invertedisdead

    Smart E-Nail by Perfect Dab Tech

    I'd be curious to know what settings people are constantly adjusting on their smart e-nails as I admittedly rarely touch anything but the temperature.
  16. invertedisdead

    Searching for good cbd distilate... where to buy?

    I dig it too, if I wasn't in a rec legal state Id be buying it up like crazy for sure.
  17. invertedisdead

    Post-Processing Rosin - Your wish, after the squish

    Once the rosin is in a jar the sappy consistency shouldn't matter much, if anything it just makes it easier to grab a dab as you can simply "dip" your tool in the rosin. Depending on why it came out sappy, it could change consistencies over time to something more stable but it just depends...
  18. invertedisdead

    Post-Processing Rosin - Your wish, after the squish

    You just need something cold and conductive to facilitate the collection of rosin. Put a thick flat piece of metal in the freezer for a few hours until nicely chilled, then put your parchment sheet on that metal plate and your rosin should now be cold enough to collect easily enough. I suggest...
  19. invertedisdead

    Searching for good cbd distilate... where to buy?

    I've used CBD disty from The Hemp Barn.
  20. invertedisdead

    Cannabis News

    Not good.
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