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  1. florduh

    Bill Maher....

    I agree with Bill that the Organic Chem Professor shouldn't have been fired. But he's absolutely wrong about doctors NEEDING to know Organic Chem to do their jobs. The reason Pre-Med requires Organic Chem is simple gatekeeping. They want to make it as difficult as possible to become a doctor...
  2. florduh

    Joke thread

  3. florduh

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    On the Michael Flynn story, all I'll say is that guy is one of the most brazen frauds I've ever seen. Mr. "America First" was fired from the top intel job in this country for being an unregistered agent of the Turkish government. He later tried to get the US to sell nuclear secrets to the...
  4. florduh

    The FC Meme Thread!

  5. florduh

    Fake News

  6. florduh

    Cannabis News

    Yeah, if we had functional governments in this country it would be a great idea. Black people were disproportionately fucked by prohibition. That Nixon aide literally said one of the reasons they ignored the Shafer Commission was specifically so they could put more black people in jail. Yikes...
  7. florduh

    Cannabis News Haven't paid much attention to the fake news media over the past couple weeks. So this whole thing caught me totally by surprise. When I clicked on that Fox article though, a video...
  8. florduh

    Cannabis News

    I'd imagine most cannabis arrests are at the State level. There will be plenty of States that won't get with the program. Their cops like the easy revenue from cannabis busts rather than solving real crime, like the Kentucky story above. But allowing banking and interstate commerce would be...
  9. florduh

    Cannabis News

    He was also saying stupid shit in the 90's like "let's have tanks bulldoze every 'crack house'". But he explicitly promised to decriminalize cannabis on the campaign trail. It's on video, multiple times. This is why while decriminalizing would make him the best President I've seen, it's only...
  10. florduh

    Cannabis News

    Hey, I'll take it! If Joe Brandon finally stops fucking around and just decriminalizes cannabis, he'll become the best President of my lifetime by default. That's how low the fucking bar is. No more malarkey! Do the right thing!
  11. florduh

    Random thoughts

    I was thinking about this recently. Amazon isn't some technological miracle. They just figured out that if you push the human body to the absolute limit, you can ship anything to anyone in 2 days or less. Sears could've done this 80 years ago if they were scummy enough.
  12. florduh

    Joke thread

  13. florduh

    Cannabis News

    Don;t these fucks have anything better to do? Kentucky has a higher murder rate than New York, California, and Florida.
  14. florduh

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    There's virtually no "game play" in DE. It's all dice rolls. The reason it's great is because of the writing and the artwork. If you fire the people responsible for the writing, and the artwork... what the fuck is left? ZA/UM is apparently hiring people to do Fortnite style...
  15. florduh

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Well this is a punch in the dick. Disco Elysium is probably my favorite piece of fiction I've ever consumed. I still think about it most days. A small group of Estonian weirdos made something really...
  16. florduh

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    New Chevron Ad just dropped
  17. florduh

    Favourite Quotes

  18. florduh

    Weird News Stories of the Day.....

    I thought I've seen everything in FL Traffic
  19. florduh

    Joke thread

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