He was talking about using one to hold the beads in the heater, but the reason you mention is why one wouldn't make a good bowl screen either. I still have a design for a glass screen but it would have to be made overseas, it would cost more than the vape to make that part in America.
I read the last sentence in the Kool Aid mans voice :lol:
And I didn’t read it as you knocking the GS in any way!! :cheers: I just know there’s some serious GS fans out there as I’ve been conversing with a few in recent months.
Definitely, A carbon filter was my original idea for a ball vape...
You can leave mine on the bowl as long as you want, I frequently use the bowl as the stand, even leaving it on for days at a time.
That said, the other day I designed a pretty cool stand for this vape. :D
Not taking anything away from VGZ opinion, but there are definitely members here with extensive desktop collections who do feel the GS is the king of the hill. Enthusiastic GS owners were some of the first to reach out and express interest in my vaporizer. 👽
Of course, all of the heavy hitter...
If they did a smooth mirror polish on the stock aluminum oxide bowl (same chemical composition as sapphire) I bet it would be very solid performing, as is!
Good question! A one piece coil & bucket combo would be thermodynamically ideal.
Gotta admit, this (on paper) sounds like the e-nail killer we've all been waiting for. I'm honestly quite surprised that this has pretty much has every single feature I thought could be improved on in the original version. Is there anything missing you guys wanted to see? Seems like they really...
I think the only headshops making any money are the ones selling high end curated smoking art. The demand for real heady art is larger than the supply, so having pieces from these artists gives people a reason to shop at your store.
Everything else has pretty much been leveraged as...
People buy Peaks and such because they are tired of dealing with butane torches though.
TBH I think regular dabbers probably spend more $ on butane than a replacement atty or rebuild kit costs.
Price seems on par considering the original peak debuted at $400 and sold there for a few years.
Interested to find out more, digging the Pax Era style temp control!
My biggest question is regarding the app: other vape companies have had a tremendous issue getting their apps published into the...
Harshness and irritation from vaping is often perceived as vape X being "hotter" than vape Y.
But we know the airstream can never be significantly hotter on any vaporizer, or else the flower would simply combust.
IME - The materials used to construct the vaporizer, and the way a vaporizer is...
You don’t need to remove the stem from the tiny might to clear the chamber, you only have to depress the power button. This will cut the power to the heater, stopping the convection, clearing the chamber of residual vapor.
I agree that the high dosage ones can definitely raise tolerance quickly, when used moderately the effects are much more recreationally intense than any of my vaping sessions. I'm a big fan of the idea of using edibles to displace some of the vaping habit, I just never really get fully into it...
A lot of people do like larger dosages, but a lot of people don't, it just depends.
When I make edibles I like them to be around 250mg a piece.... a friend gave his co-worker a 5mg edible and they thought they were dying.
Interesting to note: before CA implemented recreational, you could...
Keep in mind: With an on demand vape you just let go of the power button to clear the chamber of any residual vapor.
It's not like the Crafty where you can't clear your hits.
Dipping into the cookie jar! 🍪🍪🍪 Bit of Girl Scout Cookies, trimmed just the day prior so terpene percentage is at its peak!
Tastes like thin-mint cookies :p
I'll grab another one with the compost shot later, trying to save the bigger bowls for the evening...... although it is the weekend...
Hope everyone is having a foggy Friday!
We’re really vaping in here :D
.15g instantly turned to compost, I should have loaded double! :science:
Get Inverted! 🙃 🙃
I’ll be back later to rearrange the room :rofl:
@arb Yes I am down to trade for one of your motorized kayaks!