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  1. budski

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    glad I waited for the steam punk deal then. I'm a noob when it come to vapes, only gave up combustion a few months ago.
  2. budski

    Looking to find a solid grinder that lasts.

    I'm in love with my Auto9 electric, it has 15 teeth and a 1/4 capacity, really fast for filling dose caps, while leaving less of your happy in the grinder. I find the finer grinds to me, taste more planty and less terpy.
  3. budski

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    sorry for the thread jack, but I can't wait to try this test on the Legacy
  4. budski

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I'm a nutter too I guess because I get the best flavor from most strains by cutting it up in a bowl w/mini-snapblade knife,which is time consuming. The reason imho is the terps stay on the plant matter instead of the teeth walls and keef screen of the grinder, (fuck the pulverize/coffee...
  5. budski

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Started with v3s, I was on the verge of getting a lobo to upgrade my one (Love the formfactor), but the laborday bundle just kicked me up a notch. Thanks Gary-Airvape!! will prolly get more caps and a magnetic charger too down the rd.
  6. budski

    POTV Lobo

    almost bought a rogue to replace my one
  7. budski

    POTV Lobo

    I want better airflow than the one but if it's not compatable with a doseing system I don't want it ps I have 2 ones and 3 v3s
  8. budski

    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    I do consider a mild sativa to be "working mans " weed
  9. budski

    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    thnx for this info! I incinerated for 45yrs before buying a herb vape and now my pipes are lonely, geeking out here helps wrap my mind around what's going on in this rabbit hole,
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