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  1. lwien


  2. lwien

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    ..."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" ---Emma Lazarus Besides this quote emblazoned on the Statue of Liberty, there are...
  3. lwien

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    The really scary part about all this is a recent poll that stated that the majority of Americans do not want to take in Syrian refugees into their states so it seems that the GOP has the majority of Americans ears on this issue...
  4. lwien

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    This all kind of reminds me of the time we rounded up all of the Americans of Japanese decent (even if they were born here) and put them into camps during WWII. We now look back on that as a major blight in our history and yet, here we are at the cusp of repeating it. It's all based on one...
  5. lwien


    Ok, so now for a bit of sadistic fun. For those of you that are high and have a serious case of the munchies, the following slide show will reveal to you what you cannot have right now...
  6. lwien

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    I would wager that if you ask a typical Republican that if they had their druthers, would they wish that the US was ONLY inhabited by white Christians or inhabited by a multi racial/multi religious population, that they would answer with the former. Sounds vaguely familiar to the ISIS doctrine...
  7. lwien

    Non vaporizer classifieds?

    I may have asked this before but as with some things, I don't remember if I did or not. So.........if I didn't, what's you guys thoughts on this? I sure would like to offer up some stuff to sell here before I go to offer it up to people whom I don't know.
  8. lwien

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I had a few of them............3 in all. Sold them and gifted one over the years.
  9. lwien

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    This whole extreme right wing tea party Republican thing is nothing new. Google The John Birch Society and Barry Goldwater.
  10. lwien

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    ^^ Nice. And the PD makes such a nice hand warmer on those cold winter nights, eh? I'm kinda missing mine......
  11. lwien

    strongest strain

    Totally agree. It's kinda like buying a car strictly on horsepower ratings.
  12. lwien

    WTF Is Wrong With America And Gun Control?

    What bugs the fuck out of me is that no matter how sensible and logical a proposed gun law may be, such as closing the loophole of guns being bought at gun shows without background checks, many gun enthusiasts and the NRA and the politicians that support them will scream..........."Don't pass...
  13. lwien

    The VA and Cannabis....

    "Senate Passes Bill Letting Veterans Access Medical Marijuana" -----
  14. lwien

    SideKick by Elev8 Vehicles

  15. lwien

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    Yeah, out of all the debates, I think Anderson Cooper at CNN did the best job of moderating out of any of them. I hate it when either moderators or news anchors either ask a leading question or frames their question in such a way as to either negate or support an answer that they know is...
  16. lwien

    SideKick by Elev8 Vehicles

    Ya outta give the MV a try when you get the chance and it's just about pure convection (teflon core).
  17. lwien

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    I didn't mean to imply that I thought that the Fox Business debate was a good debate. It wasn't but it was moderated a helluva lot better than the CNBC debate was moderated. That CNBC debate was embarrassing to watch.
  18. lwien

    The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread

    Yup. Herman Cain is still being booked on Fox for his "expert" opinions on the candidates which in and of itself is quite comical, eh? It seems that the Republican party and Fox has become a parody of themselves. I will say this though. Fox Business did a helluva better job at moderating...
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