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  1. Perfect_Speed4069

    2023 Most Reached For

    The Dani Fusion cap and tip on a wooden wpa. Portable and consistent, from micro to maxi.
  2. Perfect_Speed4069

    Vaping minimalism (the opposite of VAS?)

    Yes and no. I have recently (with the encouragement of my significant other) really pared back my glass. I now restrict myself to one excellent example in each genre: rattle can; globe; fc-199; improved fc-mod; preposterously oversized modular hydratube affair that's beautifully made but a...
  3. Perfect_Speed4069

    Vaping minimalism (the opposite of VAS?)

    I used to get frustrated by this, until I realised that ultimately, this is a site about consumption and consuming, where each of us normalises and consumption and consuming. I've come to realise that the way we behave here is a demonstration of our attitudes to consumer capitalism...
  4. Perfect_Speed4069

    The Dani by Battery-free Ganz

    I agree, for preference with the Dynavap I prefer a slow, gradual heat from things like the alcohol burner or the tiny single flame (from left to right) . Whereas both of these are rubbish for Danis, which need the kind of power you get from the rest of the options in this lineup, which all...
  5. Perfect_Speed4069

    Vaping minimalism (the opposite of VAS?)

    Like most communities of enthusiasts (eg yeast bakers), FC attracts some folks who like to do one thing to death (sourdough loaves), others who prize their kit (high hydration doughs in kitchen aid mixers, or what they can achieve with wood fired pizza ovens), and others whose taste for lavash...
  6. Perfect_Speed4069

    What's your favourite vape to watch a movie with?

    It's a very boring answer, but the Vapman is a great companion. Yes, faffing about with sieves and emptying out can be a bit of a bugger, but if you're used to the device and have your torch technique down, it's lovely to have on hand - especially during action sequences
  7. Perfect_Speed4069


    "You've had more than you anticipated, haven't you?" "What do you mean?" "Your eyes: you went upstairs 5 minutes ago, and now your eyes are spangled" I decided to use this remarkable little device whilst preparing Sunday lunch for extended family, in a couple of hours. Excellent with some...
  8. Perfect_Speed4069

    How did you arrive at your FC Handle

    In the UK, a pukka is a kind of pie. Which is also a pun, as they're about the best quality you'll find in a mainstream chippy
  9. Perfect_Speed4069

    How did you arrive at your FC Handle

    I believe the Cohen Brothers were slyly referencing Oblomov but never seen this theory elsewhere
  10. Perfect_Speed4069

    How did you arrive at your FC Handle

    If you want a Russian word to describe at least 50% of FC, it's probably khalatnost, or dressing gown ism
  11. Perfect_Speed4069

    First vape for a (loong time) smoker

    fwiw the Dani Fusion cap and tip on a WPA & j-hook converted my smoking-for-35y+ neighbour
  12. Perfect_Speed4069

    How did you arrive at your FC Handle

    I often ponder the names of fellow FCers and the meaning they hold for the person behind the avatar. Do you care to explain yours? Unfortunately my tale is more cautionary than inspirational. I used the name Reddit auto-assigned me, for the sake of continuity. I think it relates to driving a...
  13. Perfect_Speed4069

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I bought this same rig from LCV under another brand (katalyzer, iirc). Used once and then given away. Terrible waste of everyone's time. Really restricted airflow through that unnecessarily small 10mm mouthpiece is only the first of many significant problems with this piece. Honestly, a $7 j...
  14. Perfect_Speed4069


  15. Perfect_Speed4069

    Vaphit Quartz Cap -

    I just spent a happy 10 minutes with mine, and wanted to share my results. I'm not sure stirring is necessary with a single flame. Both my extractions were pretty even, and I wonder if it's because I never pay much attention to the very top of the quartz cap - where some people experience...
  16. Perfect_Speed4069


    Good advice, but given how MEs work, (it will basically remove a miniscule layer of the gold plating as well as the muckment), it's something I do once, maybe twice a year.
  17. Perfect_Speed4069


    It's a bit of a rigmarole, but a tablespoon of dank dulce de leche (made with amnesia haze) stirred into hot chocolate made with a little green chartreuse is a sweet herbal delight. I imagine it'd work with stuff like cream liqueurs too. Ime tinctures don't taste that good, so if mixing up...
  18. Perfect_Speed4069

    Herb Grinders

    There's an excellent Ali-Ex KS knock-off that is my go to fine grind (for the Vapman, not Pax).
  19. Perfect_Speed4069

    Glass Vapes From The Rogue Wax Works

    Not sure if it's a here discussion or a some-where-else discussion, but after an hour with the Nameless Conduction vape and a variety of heaters, I'd really like to hear more about other people's experience of preferred heat sources/torches for different vapes, and the different ways they can...
  20. Perfect_Speed4069

    Glass Vapes From The Rogue Wax Works

    Random French place. Not Doc Vap, or LCV. Best advice I can offer is find a French place with a shonky 00s website, with Biovapo in stock and look for the finishing grinders. About €30 ish. Best of luck.
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