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  1. Hippie

    L shaped side by side mod box enclosure

    I'm not sure if that's a typo or not now to be honest after trawling back through a few fasttech threads where I 1at heard about them to clarify for you. The TEK division MX1, Ambition mods Easy, Vapeasy Stealth, and SXK STH are a few more that could have made the list ..... so my best guess is...
  2. Hippie

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Has anyone here bought a VROD essentials kit from lacentralevapeur? I'm trying to ascertain whether it's the same as the other essential kits I've seen, or not. They don't have the 18mm post or a dabber tool listed so I'm assuming they're not included them to keep the cost down ?? And deciding...
  3. Hippie

    L shaped side by side mod box enclosure

    Noice :cool: :clap::tup: I'm still hopeful of there being an SBS style mod or adapter for us at some point with the recent popularity of the Stratum balance, supbox, sxk insider, aspire sunbox mixx, dovpo college, gnomes, sts .... I usually put the 510 connectors for my diy extension leads in...
  4. Hippie

    Discontinued The NEO by Prrl Labs

    This is the reply I got when I asked about the heating element Inconel is a registered trademark of Special Metals Corporation for a family of austenitic nickel-chromium-based superalloys. Inconel alloys are oxidation-corrosion-resistant materials well suited for service in extreme...
  5. Hippie

    Discontinued The NEO by Prrl Labs

    Can you tell us anything about the heating element please? Is there a halogen in there making that light?
  6. Hippie

    Herborizer corner

    Not many 18mm f/f adapters out there with a handle, for some reason. Gardening wire is cheap and easy to bend into a handle tho ;)
  7. Hippie

    Tek Curious if a heat gun could be be utilized for dabbing?

    Yes There's been a few rework stations and heat guns repurposed for banger heating over the years I think the Tochi Torch was the last one I saw Which I think was actually little more than a Wagner Furno 500 heat gun in a new case Heating...
  8. Hippie

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Add me to the list please, if there are any more spares Got a few coils n balls, and a selection of bowls, here, ready for a new project :)
  9. Hippie

    Whip Tubing - All Your Questions Answered!

    Try searching for combinations of expandable, braid, electrical sleeving, cable sheathing There's loads to choose from in different materials, sizes and styles Ebay have a section just for cable sheath - Searching for braided cord...
  10. Hippie

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    A dynamo vape ! :clap::tup: The DynoVap? :)
  11. Hippie

    NFC DIY Desktop vape

    Thank you :clap: :nod: :tup: I've bought a few of them and their other sizes to test out and discovered the stem of the 14mm male ones is just big enough to take a Vapcap tip so I've now got 3 logs that plug into the same 936D soldering iron controller for temp control, one that takes Vapcap...
  12. Hippie

    "On Sale"

    Last year their anniversary sale was in May and I have no idea what they mean in parts 2 or 3 but I thought I'd post it up anyway as they haven't had many codes this year ...... To celebrate the 8th anniversary of FastTech, we have prepared a discount of 15% on the Site-wide and provided...
  13. Hippie

    Induction Heater - Smoke/Off Gassing?

    I'm inclined to agree it's vapour after reading what Phattpiggie and TommyDee say about it here (and owning a few IH myself for 2 years now)
  14. Hippie

    'The Misty Log' - DIY wooden Log Vaporizer

    The ZK-J5X is the cheapest one I've found but the resolution isn't the best as it only goes up and down in .05V steps and has button controls There's some specs here...
  15. Hippie

    Dry Herb reccomendations?

    1600mah won't last very long with a Stempod, Splinter, Glow ..... and it'll only get worse as the battery fades over time The smaller MistVape Imp might work for you but I think you'll still want a bigger battery in a month or two as it starts to fade I'd buy an induction heater for the Vapcap
  16. Hippie

    Dynavap VapCap

    How about a lighter with recessed flame like a Vector Pyramid ? Or a windsheild around the flame like these that Phattpiggie made
  17. Hippie

    DIY Elev8r with coil and glass beads.

    I would work it up to size with the diameter of the beads in mind, at first. You could drill it out big and fill the bowl with beads too then, if that doesn't work out.
  18. Hippie

    DIY Elev8r with coil and glass beads.

    I thought about doing that to open up the airflow, ya know, but haven't yet :) It's really soft stuff to grind so it's quite friendly to work with but that area takes a lot of heat so you'll need to take extra care to smooth off the edges of any cuts to minimise the risk of it cracking if you...
  19. Hippie

    DIY Elev8r with coil and glass beads.

    I usually just leave it for 5mins or so while I'm getting ready, out of habit from using my other vapes really so I'll say at least 3mins if you're keen to get started. Not sure what this tells us about the quartz as it usually stays cool enough to touch the banger below the gardening wire I've...
  20. Hippie

    DIY Elev8r with coil and glass beads.

    I might, let's see Big pic Resized And in action Resized No, I can't but the links work :)
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