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  1. TommyDee

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    I'm only one voice but yes, situate the coil to your perfection balancing all the devices you might throw at it. The VVPS will respect the click in this position.
  2. TommyDee

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I do a two-step grind @Junny89 . I run 2 grams through a generic grinder (favorite $5 unit 3 years old and in perfect shape after #'s of bud.). I then get one of those wire kitchen strainers. It sits in a silver condiment tray having a similar shape, and fitting the screen nicely [read-no...
  3. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    A flame will anneal a metal. I suppose that should be asked. Stainless would be no problem. I don't even know if Ti takes a temper or if they use an alloy. However, great observation and I think I can get this one answered. I will report back but it may take a few days. It is an inert ash...
  4. TommyDee

    classic book covers...

    I wonder who has this now.
  5. TommyDee

    NFC Seizures

    ...And we're in a legal state to boot. USA doctors are protecting their licenses, as mine is. That changes perspective of course. Then the question is, can they write scripts for cannabis or make a formal -legal- recommendation. Legal medical states just gives you the right to use with less...
  6. TommyDee

    NFC Seizures

    People have moved for favorable cannabis environments for health reasons. I take it the state also doesn't have medical tolerance @FlyingLow ? I do see how ongoing treatment and an introduction of a foreign 'agent' may upset the quality care professionals currently providing treatment. I am...
  7. TommyDee

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Indeed good newbie Flixers... You are receiving the first of a new generation of IH heaters. I don't want to represent the product Flix as Beta release as I do very much enjoy the new beta release of a new class of VV & handheld capable IH device. Flix with these unique features and being...
  8. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    Curious question not owning a coil. We use to just flare off contaminants with a good torch. Would that work for the Dynacoil? Just glow it red hot and blow the white ash off?
  9. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    Interesting news regarding the IH circuits. Today I blew one up. These MOSFETS do exactly what our old hobby speed controllers did, they short closed. That means the board sees a short with resistance when powered. if that happens as the single fault failure, that could make the 'product'...
  10. TommyDee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    This didn't belong in the fluxer thread; here The tuning of the circuit, the part that Mr C does in design, determines the power level that affects heating. Speaking on generic modules, which act similarly, yes. And I'll provide the caveats to this observation. It may also help to...
  11. TommyDee

    NFC DIY I.H. basic Wiring Clarification request

    First of all, the MOSFET switch is redundant. Second of all, the positive trace on the MOSFET switch is a solid trace from the input to the output. Therefore your last two diagrams are identical. You will notice that a lot of these circuits 'switch' the negative side with FETs. Now I'll read...
  12. TommyDee

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    The tuning of the circuit, the part that Mr C does in design, determines the power level that affects heating. Speaking on generic modules, which act similarly, yes. And I'll provide the caveats to this observation. It may also help to understand the Fluxer/Flix coil choices. Please note...
  13. TommyDee

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    Well, that's where the Flix should land -before- applying a VVPS. Adjusting the coil with a manufacturer's blessing is really is a wonderful option to dial in a fixed state. Setting the "Standard" at 12V, so to speak. The Standard should serve as an ideal session, or ideal average between...
  14. TommyDee

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    The VVPS will certainly tame the heater. It looks like you might have only tweaked the bottom coil a little. @mr_cfromcali will confirm but maybe one of the o-rings should be snipped away for a little more room. I say this because the riser lead on the long leg is still pretty straight. I...
  15. TommyDee

    NFC wall powered modbox, no battery and my first thread

    Yep, that is close to what I am using.
  16. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    You should be free to use any cap @Bad Dog . They get personalities. Its the twins that cause havoc. I am @RustyOldNail . My house smells like I've been wood-burning art projects all week.
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