What we do both inside and outside are so intertwined that it would be damn near impossible to define which one is more important for they are totally dependent on one another, both positively and negatively.
Yup, yup, yup. Totally agree.
Sidebar: When I was in the Air Force back in '64...
While I don't agree with a lot of things that Maher says on this subject, I give him kudos for bringing Ellison on and allowing him the time to explain his points of view and what he said at the end of that interview is kinda what I've been talking about previously. We non-Muslims really need...
It's that whole tribal concept at play here, either dressed up as a religion, dressed up as a race, as a nationality, or all dressed up as one. It's kind of in our DNA, eh? Been happening since the beginning of time.
One of the great things about the AP is the wide array of brewing options that are available. Here's one from the manufacture of that SS disk that I posted above and it's kinda unique in that it calls for about half the amount of coffee that other AP methods recommend but also increases the...
Ya may want to try one of these for a change of pace: http://www.amazon.com/Filter-Original-AeroPress-Built-Guaranteed/dp/B00A1GVVMY?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00
Are you saying that Muslims who believe and live by the strict fundamental teachings of the Koran and cherry pick those parts of the Koran that serve their purpose are not really Muslims? What's interesting about that is that the fundamentalists feel that Muslims who don't live by their...
True, but they would have to "take to the streets" if pro-life activists started killing pro-choice advocates in group killings while at the same time, encouraging others to do the same.