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  1. Ramahs

    Cannabis News

    You say that, ignoring the THC label proudly displayed on the front of every one. lol It's even fucking circled in the pics :dog: Kinda hard to miss. I find it quite irresponsible when people don't even read the bags that they give to kids. They might as well give cigarettes to the kids...
  2. Ramahs

    The FC Meme Thread!

  3. Ramahs

    Joke thread

  4. Ramahs

    New to vaping - How is this for a starter setup?

    I have a large number of vapes, as you can see in my signature. As others above have said, each one offers a unique experience. Sometimes I'm in the mood for one kind of vape, and sometimes another. I would hate to have only one.
  5. Ramahs

    Cannabis News

    I did. And I've had some products that looked just like them. There are noticeable differences in the name. How the hell does someone confuse Sour Patch Kids with Stoner Patch Kids?!?
  6. Ramahs

    New to vaping - How is this for a starter setup?

    Lots of good advice in this thread!
  7. Ramahs

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Looking good. I still love my Hot Shot!
  8. Ramahs

    Cannabis News

    It's never been worth it. I remember the needles & razor blades in candy myth from when I was a kid. lol.
  9. Ramahs Your Friendly Vaporizer Store

    Holy crap, that's a lot of prizes this year! 😍
  10. Ramahs

    The Picture Thread

  11. Ramahs

    Cannabis News

    I still don't see how someone could not notice the difference in the name before giving them to kids.
  12. Ramahs

    Good Videos to watch when you're Vaked!!

  13. Ramahs

    Random thoughts

  14. Ramahs

    Joke thread

    Not my picture. I just found it funny. But I did need to do some introspection as of late, with shit going on in my life. So I made myself a 3g mug of tea with some PC gold caps on Saturday. Though I did have a good time, I didn't get to the level I wanted. So I plan to try again next Saturday...
  15. Ramahs

    The FC Meme Thread!

  16. Ramahs

    Dynavap VapCap

    Yeah, that Obsidian Omni is pretty. I wish I could afford it.
  17. Ramahs

    Joke thread

  18. Ramahs

    Random thoughts

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