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  1. VWFringe

    Abv+iso question w/pics

    you could also re-vape that if you disolve it again in 91% and dry it again, but just before it's completely dry add a pinch of ABV and stir gently (I reconstitute my cleaning ISO, after it's dark, onto ABV). i wash my ABV in water for a day or so (gallon of water) - it's like ice tea that i...
  2. VWFringe

    In the market for a vaporizer

    or cheap out until the bud toaster or vape xhale cloud are available...i went with the hakko 456-16 from Fry's for $40 + $10-20 in parts (see the homemade thread)
  3. VWFringe

    Egypt could fall..........

    hell, yeah, Iwein! add Khaddafi to the list, huh? i was gonna post that here too. I heard in Libya the riots started with the arrest of a human rights lawyer who had proved a case against the state head of security, and the government...he was helping the victims of the families of a few...
  4. VWFringe

    is this a weird way of taking a hit? (waiting for vapor)

    lol thanks, anyone who uses a whip?
  5. VWFringe

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    wow, 30 hour t-break 3x smallish hits of wand hash, like a gentle columbian gold buzzzz on a summer afternoon with haze & creeping i am an ambassador of cheap highs zonked.hehe
  6. VWFringe

    Healthcare Around the World - What's Your Horror Story?

    so, when people here are trying to bad mouth public healthcare they often point to the strained resources in those other countries, do you have any stories about people who have had to wait a long time for surgeries or other problems? thanks!
  7. VWFringe

    is this a weird way of taking a hit? (waiting for vapor)

    I tend to draw in and exhale a quick couple of puffs, just until i see vapor, before i start my hit. Is this unusual? do most people start drawing from their whip right away? EDIT: is it normal to expel the air that's in the tubing, plus whatever it takes, very little, when i know the vapor...
  8. VWFringe

    Wireless lan

    im out of work right now (read as "some time on my hands"), so can help out a bit, but i'm a computer guy not an electronics guy, and not a programmer. feel free to send me an email directly if you need or want. here;'s something i hadn't seen before...
  9. VWFringe

    Wireless lan

    100 meters - using a switch can extend that some links that may help...
  10. VWFringe

    Madison Wisconsin, and The Attack On Labor In America Today

    thanks for adding to the info that people can get from this. --------------------------------------- I've heard China is seeing increased strikes and demonstrations by labor, and the government is quietly paying them off as it's standard way of dealing with the protests. i like that. it...
  11. VWFringe

    Healthcare Around the World - What's Your Horror Story?

    I remember for years when Kaiser was new I'd hear horror stories about cancer going untreated and undiagnosed. We were given the impression that they did not have quality doctors, not that they were cutting care to make extra money. I believe kaiser has gotten better, or maybe their PR is...
  12. VWFringe

    Madison Wisconsin, and The Attack On Labor In America Today

    sounds like they really should put ss in a box to protect it from such plans.
  13. VWFringe

    Madison Wisconsin, and The Attack On Labor In America Today

    has everyone seen this film clip? ...skip to 11:02 for just a minute, then watch the whole thing. I believe everyone in America should see the woman at the eleven minute mark and understand the context of what she's speaking about. She speaks about the guilt...
  14. VWFringe

    Safest tobacco

    I was looking for TSNA-free tobacco also, and saw the lozenges from Star, and the swedish snus of course. I noticed when they test tobacco for TSNA's they simply do an extract from the tobacco, they don't smoke it first, so I wonder if the TSNA's from the curing process are going into your...
  15. VWFringe

    Madison Wisconsin, and The Attack On Labor In America Today

    too much to read, rhetoric too hot? (or maybe just too much editorializing and poor writing) my own personal thread, ok. I was very happy to hear that all of the democrats in Madison who were expected to vote on this bill, fled the state, just to avoid the vote. My prayers go out to them, and...
  16. VWFringe

    When Pot Was First Made Illegal, and the manufacturing of consent

    Thanks for that, so did I, and at a lot of other points tho too, like: Naruto shaking hands with Gaara when the town acknowledged him in ep 175, which was a corny but satisfying climax to a lot of story lines. when Kakashi...
  17. VWFringe

    Wireless lan

    I was going to suggest power-line ethernet as well, if you cannot run an ethernet cable. I don't know whether it would work for the distances you're dealing with, but cabling it is the ultimate answer for you. Or possibly creating a second or redundant wi-fi network dedicated to the web cam...
  18. VWFringe

    Vaping while Cleansing (Dr. Alejandro Junger's book Clean)

    I used to take intestinal cleansing products and did a ten day juice fast about 30 years ago. I used to take vitamin supplements. When I used to "cleanse" I did not worry about marijuana floating around my bloodstream and junking up the works or interfering with the process. But, nowadays i...
  19. VWFringe

    E-Cigarette (not for THC use)

    wow, 2.3 ohm @ 5.2 volt = 11.75 watts! YOW! I "DIY," you can save a lot, but there are risks. Use syringes w/o needle to transfer VG, it's thick (pipettes don't work well). US$0.30 for 3 ml. including flavors. Flavor's I've tried: Perfumer's Apprentice Tobacco Blend in Alcohol. (thumbs...
  20. VWFringe

    House of Representatives Trying To Shut Down Planned Parenthood

    Jeez, didn't even occur to me...i hear small things like this and I wonder, what else do i not know about my own government and my own people? and i feel like i'm a lead balloon hanging in air. so, really, these folks must be connected, does anyone know more about the branch of the party that...
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