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  1. Xchadb

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    That case is so fresh good job man looks like it was made for it!
  2. Xchadb

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates Anyone interested in cloud production check it out. Also just mute it....annoying dubstep and a loud cough to blow your laptop speakers up sorry my mic is very sensitive and i upload straight from my tablet haha I just...
  3. Xchadb

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    I also noticed that sess haha. While eating lunch before work and vapin ive always been amazed at how much vapor i can get this thing to throw at me in a such short amount of time for one cart. Also in the sun vapor looks amazing in a car so i recorded a little sesh and im pretty medicated...
  4. Xchadb

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    Nice :D haha everyone at work is certian im an e-cig user... "helped me quit smoking" haha! If they only knew I only say that seeing your nice collection, when people see it they must be dumbfounded
  5. Xchadb

    Arizer Solo

    uhm, i dont think you can reverse the polarity on a wall outlet.... Robob is using a wall charger right?
  6. Xchadb

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    I was thinking of just going V2 instead of persei because of all the reports of carts burning up real fast (could be user error) Gonna wait this one out.... i love the persei, the v2 looks amazing, but the price tells me just buy the damn persei haha
  7. Xchadb

    Arizer Solo

    ya, charger is great, well after a battery swap give it another go, hopefully its that and not some bigger issue.
  8. Xchadb

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    nice! :D Guessing if you get girls grinding on you hard enough your pocket might start glowing blue too eh? haha! :brow:
  9. Xchadb

    Arizer Solo

    Lmao, wtf? damn sorry but thats pretty crazy....what if you get your new one and turns out to just be a bunk charger? FUGG YEA two solos! One for the kitchen and one for the bedroom!
  10. Xchadb

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    is that earwax under your nails or earwax? eh? haha :lol: but no really dont you hate when you drop a small piece of wax or budder and you cant even find that shit because it looks like a speck of dirt.....then later you step on it and track sticky bho all over your house....
  11. Xchadb

    Arizer Solo

    damn! that sucks man :\ wish you would of read an old post when i got mine, from amazon from NW Healthtek and i got it overnighted to my house for around 180. had no problems so far, no funky smells or tastes either
  12. Xchadb

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    nice... heh yeah. My revolution i always break down into two pieces, usually throw the cart in my coin pocket and the battery in my back pocket upright next to my wallet, cause in the front pocket its heavy and ackward and shifts around in your pocket. Hoping i can do the same with the persei...
  13. Xchadb

    Arizer Solo

    congrats :) 105+lvl 3= perfect :) sorry to hear about the charging issues, make sure to check all connections and the outlet itself even, but when you plug it in, regardless if its on or off, should emit a long beep (if sound is on) and go into charging mode and will automatically shut off the...
  14. Xchadb

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    is this thing pocketable? or is it the nice donkey dick look pokin thru your jean pockets kinda look? My solo is portable and all but...just isnt gonna work in the front pocket... haha! :D
  15. Xchadb

    Discontinued The Stealthvape

    air going past the battery that might be "OK" but will infringe on the damn taste, a lot!! But to really think that just because you checked the battery beforehand, doesn't mean theirs a chance of it venting something you cant see while you're operating it? Flat out its just not necessary to...
  16. Xchadb

    Discontinued The Stealthvape

    Haha quite a funny review, youre just bein honest. Kinda bummed to hear about the pathway. Care to try it? If not ill make a nice video review for ya ;) haha but no really try it out.
  17. Xchadb

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    Thats awesome, glad it works out for you man, just be gentle and carefull and youll be good to go, i usually take mine off when doing my initial load in the morning, then heat the top half, let the wax melt down and after its all cooled off ill give the bottom section a quick shot so the new...
  18. Xchadb

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    So, everyone happy with it so far? Is it like that first day you tried and omicron and was blown away? Also are the new mouthpieces helping with the smell?
  19. Xchadb

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    I honestly dont know why i posted that didnt mean to sound snappy sorry haha tho your post has been edited... Its a nice tip tho, eventually when you break yours in and becomes harder to twist itl seal itself naturally :)
  20. Xchadb

    Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates

    I dont throw a gram in on the reg, i usually just do one fat scoop a day, just tried a whole gram once to see how it would go down. Its just wastefull at the point, was just a test as most put that much in an omi cart (i know the rev wasnt designed this way i just wanted to try) i think i feel...
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