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  1. howie105

    Crackdown on Legalized Marijuana

    You have hit upon one of my concern for the current model of legalization, if MG is placed in the hands of those who are best at greasing palms it turns into "shoes for industry." ;)
  2. howie105

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I have an LSV and a Buddha and a DDM that I use on both, so while I may be a bit off on my remarks concerning the Surfer I think I am close. One of the big appeals of those units is the wide open air paths which I try to maintain that with a loose load pack. On the other hand a tighter pack in a...
  3. howie105

    E-Nano from Epickai

    If you start finding your lost stuff you are fine if you go deeper and start finding other people stuff you have crossed over the upholstery barrier. Good Luck:)
  4. howie105

    Iconic One or Two Liners from Movies...(one per post)

    And of course, with the birth of the artist came the inevitable afterbirth... the critic.
  5. howie105

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Its like I have been telling my wife for years a couple of inches ain't a big deal.:)
  6. howie105

    Iconic One or Two Liners from Movies...(one per post)

    Brian O'Blivion: After all, there is nothing real outside our perception of reality, is there?
  7. howie105

    Top Ten Butane vapes?

    Chopped plastic bottles, when you just can't suck up enough polymers. :lol:
  8. howie105

    Top Ten Butane vapes?

    The not new not improved hash knife. :love:
  9. howie105

    Sexual Harassment Accusations...

    I now have a new bee in my bonnet (WHY, am I wearing a bonnet?) the attention is all on the media and political types, but no action has been taken to address normal folks who need help and make up the vast majority of victims.
  10. howie105

    Iconic One or Two Liners from Movies...(one per post)

    Greendale is a bodaciously small town, Lane. A fly speck on the map - a rest stop on the way to the ski slope. I can't even get real drugs here!
  11. howie105

    Iconic One or Two Liners from Movies...(one per post)

    The life of a repo man is always intense.
  12. howie105

    Iconic One or Two Liners from Movies...(one per post)

    In Korea, door handles do not come off.
  13. howie105

    Airpath purity X Health issues

    Look up acid washing for lab glass, one of those processes might meet your needs.
  14. howie105

    Quanity Vs. Quality

    So what are peoples experience with bud and concentrates from the same plants?
  15. howie105

    What KIND of water do you use in your glass?

    Turn on tap. Over fill glass Adjust water in glass Again over fill glass Realize close enough is good Pray not to drop glass on way to couch.
  16. howie105

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    So I need to replace a friends gas station beaker bong and all the china resellers in my area are out so I need to go to DHG for a replacement. Anybody know a maker of 12" beaker bongs that deserves support. Thanks
  17. howie105

    DHGATE - Aaaaaackkkkk! :) Good/Bad Seller List

    Crap now I have to put the tar and feathers away.:mad:
  18. howie105

    Airpath purity X Health issues

    I am way more concerned with the possible contaminants that may drift onto the pot field then I am about the iso and water cleaned glass I havn't broken yet.
  19. howie105

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I think the MFLB hit a sweet spot for itself time wise, niche market product. simple design and much less in the way of competition worked well for a smaller shop project. If it were introduced today I don't know how well it would do. However I too still use my MFLB as an on the go vape 85% of...
  20. howie105

    What made you switch?

    You missed the point of my post. The point was risk tolerance not health and safety.
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