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  1. 11eleven11

    VapeXhale "Coming Soon" Ad Contest

    Haha that's some funny text you got there. Rockin it mma! :p For some final touches maybe add in a few hydratubes from their sales page? Or leave it how it is. Whatever you wish. Good job everyone. I submitted mine on the indiegogo page.
  2. 11eleven11

    VapeXhale "Coming Soon" Ad Contest

    Psh... step aside. :rolleyes:
  3. 11eleven11

    VapeXhale "Coming Soon" Ad Contest

    edit --hold on. Making an uber one but need to edit one thing. Good submissions so far duders!
  4. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Wooooot. With the power of the Cloud knocking us off our feet I don't know how good of beta testers we'll be though... "Uhh.. yeah.. you could like.. put legs on it so it can follow you around and be with you everywhere. Def needs legs. Or wings! Wings yeah, that's it. Wings are better than legs...
  5. 11eleven11

    So how long do you keep your vapor in?

    It's pretty fun and extremely vapor efficient. Whenever I get a chance to do a bag vape I always scuba. :D There's technique to it -- every once and a while you need some fresh air so you have to exit your scuba tank. Be sure not to blow that fresh air into the bag upon re-entry.
  6. 11eleven11

    So how long do you keep your vapor in?

    I keep hearing this stuff about how after 5 seconds your lungs have already absorbed everything they can absorb. I'm not sure if that's true or not but I am pretty damn sure that if you blow out your hit after 5 seconds, there is still THC & etc. present that can get you more high. To test this...
  7. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    He likes the volcano because he gets nice affiliate commissions from the volcano. I don't trust this guy very much. At least he gave the VXH a decent review though, and his reviews in general aren't terrible for an affiliate. Still kinda "meh" about that guy.
  8. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I asked a day or so ago in the indiegogo comments confirming about the extension. SM55 confirmed. Also this talk about how extending the campaign destroys last minute pressure doesn't make sense. It's not as if there will be no end to the campaign now. The campaign will still end and this...
  9. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    ^Welcome to the club JCat! I know! I would love to have glycerin cooled VXH hits! That's a huge fantasy of mine except I want a water filter chamber too. That green one looks uber cool but I personally perfer them more coiled, so the airpath has more real-estate to travel through to cool...
  10. 11eleven11

    I used to live in Tacoma then I moved from there to TN and it's HUMID & HOT here in the summer...

    I used to live in Tacoma then I moved from there to TN and it's HUMID & HOT here in the summer. Not sure if I can sympathize with the heat you speak of, and might be a little jealous. :p
  11. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Congrats on your purchase. We have about 100 days. Enter hibernation mode... :zzz:
  12. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    So what you're disagreeing with is #2, that the Sub doesn't have a faster extraction? Interesting. So basically the Cloud should be able to extract anything in one hit that the Sub can? I see.
  13. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    As far as the the Sub and VXH goes, they both are badass vaporizers but I think it comes down to personal taste. I agree with tweek and vtac in the vein that we don't need to put one down in order to heighten the other. It comes down to personal preference. They both extract fantastically. They...
  14. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    The Family Member perk aint bad if you think of it like a vacation you saved up for. Plus you get to keep a VXH Nimbus and all the other perks of the $1k. Very creative of the VXH crew. Awesome perk ideas. :cheers:
  15. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    B-b-b-bb-buy!!! Also, thanks for checking out the reddit thread and voting guys. Very helpful to the campaign. :) Someone with VXH experience please go answer this guy's question: Link
  16. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    For those that have a reddit account: I made a submission about the new perk levels on r/vaporents. Chat about it in there just like on the indiegogo page -- comment about what you think. And...
  17. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    All I can say is I'm really excited about the new additions to this campaign! That is super awesome of them to provide for those who already bought a Cloud. Their actions show that they really are in line with their mission statement -- providing great value and kindness to the world. SM told...
  18. 11eleven11

    Hell yeah there you go!

    Hell yeah there you go!
  19. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I'd say both. That gets more comments in the indiegogo section. Here is good too. He'll probably pick through them and select the ones that he thinks are best fitting for the main campaign page.
  20. 11eleven11

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I wonder if there's an option on indiegogo to ask funders where they heard about this promotion. It would be good to know to understand who these donators are and where they come from. I'm hypothesizing it's 90%+ FuckCombustion based on watching the users on here reporting buying. Everyone on...
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