The miniVap mod has worked well so far for me. I travel a lot though, so I don't use it heavily everyday. Although, I'm a lightweight anyway. It seems as though the mod can be used with all three modes of the vape (whip, balloon, and Hydrotube).
The higher feeling could be from the often talked about 'vape signature' that each vape has. Welcome to the pound! Beware, it can get addicting! Haha. Enjoy!
Try taking a second screen and making a sandwich. You can push it down with the handy tool they provide. Also, don't temp step. Just go straight to the highest four temps. (Whatever your preference) Hope this helps. Welcome! :wave:
Got my flexicones today. It didn't fit the way I had imagined but that's my own fault for not paying attention when reading. I modded one of cone parts so I can have the whip affixed to the cone and upper screen. I'll post pics soon. Works well!
@MinnBobber did you post a tutorial on constructing them? I'm very interested in doing this. I use small loads, so I imagine I just need the smaller version.
To the flare is fine and actually the recommended amount. Are you getting the effects that you want from the vapor even when it's not dense? Try cranking it all the way up to 445F. How many bags are you trying to get out of your bowl? Do you run it through more than once?
A medium grind lightly packed works well. A very fine grind will clog the screen somewhat I believe. You can add a second screen on top of the load to help with cloud production as well.
Edit: Also, welcome to the forum @Vapebk ! :wave: What temp are you using?
Pretty pumped about the young defense. A little grit will be helpful for sure. Not pumped about the goalie situation. I think the split time approach sucks. If it works, I'll eat my words.