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  1. aero18

    Filtered 'bowl' vapes

    No... I would want a 14 mm glass one (the two links in my post above have them in stock). Does Azarius not sell them?
  2. aero18

    Filtered 'bowl' vapes

    finchrock24, I would like to purchase a 14 mm one. :)
  3. aero18

    EZ Vape vs. Magic Flight Launch Box?

    There are like a hundred pages of positive reviews for the Launch Box. EDIT: Nearing 300...
  4. aero18

    Log vape owners - Do you leave it on 24/7?

    Haha, mine rattles even when it's turned on. Maybe it's because I drop it all the time. :lol:
  5. aero18

    Log vape owners - Do you leave it on 24/7?

    I leave mine on all the time. It rattles like a mo'fo.
  6. aero18

    Miley smokin some weeeeed

    I've tripped a few times off of salvia and I agree with you. For me it was never enjoyable. One time when I tripped off of it I thought a ragdoll was trying to steal my bike away from me while I was at a carnival. All the while fractal patterns were zooming past me. According to my friends, all...
  7. aero18

    Miley smokin some weeeeed

    Mild to put it lightly.. If you were really tripping, you wouldn't be able to speak.
  8. aero18

    So How Cold's Your Winter So FAR..??

    41 right now, but it was in the 20s a few weeks ago. It is predicted that in 90 years, if our current rate of carbon dioxide emission continues, Seattle will be as warm Los Angelas. :/
  9. aero18

    GonG Party Bong Ideas for Etsy Artist I think this could be one of the best for use with a party bong. You don't have to mess with tubes or cords, you could just pass the bong around. It would feel like second nature to the regular smokers...
  10. aero18

    Filtered 'bowl' vapes This is the only website that I have found that carries the 14 mm verson. Are there any other places? The website has pretty steep shipping prices. EDIT: Found another...
  11. aero18

    Filtered 'bowl' vapes

    Going to order one! Seems great for group sessions! Just one question: I am a bit concerned about butane inhalation. Is this easily avoided with torch lighters? Are torch lighters difficult to use with the vapo-bowl? Is it easy to use with water present in the bong? (For whatever reason I see...
  12. aero18


    What exactly do you mean by 'funny'?
  13. aero18

    mixing abv?

    Yes, it is perfectly fine. There is no harm in doing so! ;) I do not know how long ABV will last, but I reckon that it is a long time. You have already vaped out most, if not all, of the moisture. If you keep it in a jar, I would say that it would last for several months.
  14. aero18

    My Stash

    My current procurement.
  15. aero18


    I even admire the quality of the stems. They are made of strong, smooth nylon that have a warm glow to them under light. The golden brass, aged and slightly darkened by cannabis oil, supplements its radiant hue quite nicely. The MyrtleZap is a very beautiful vaporizer.
  16. aero18


    My MZ of several months. I added a few subtle curves on the base and I curved the top just a bit more with the sandpaper grit that Rick recommended. I also made the LED light more recessed. I think it looks perfect now. ...I think the photos turned out well too. :D Thanks Rick for making a...
  17. aero18

    tolerance tips?

    Thank you luchiano for this article! I have access to the journal in one of my university's libraries so I will check it out and read their findings. I am really curious as to how the metabolites affect the body's tolerance to THC.
  18. aero18

    Sold Items

    EDIT: No longer for sale. ~8.5 inch tall bubbler for sale. Asking for $45 plus shipping costs. Nice Rastafarian colors. Great for vaping (or smoking)! You can easily hold it in your hand and hook it up to a whip for a comfortable vape sesh.
  19. aero18

    How to get rid of terrible taste in whip?

    I think you need to replace the tube... You can try letting it soak in Simple Green but if that does not work than you should just replace it.
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