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  1. Dynalowrider

    Dynavap VapCap

    Regular. Doc
  2. Dynalowrider

    Dynavap VapCap

    Baron23, you're exactly right. That's what I am saying , but I don't over heat . The only time I combust is when I have my head up my ass. The second you remove the heat the bowl starts losing temp. The idea is to keep the bowl close to vaping temperature . I'm just trying to cut down on the...
  3. Dynalowrider

    Dynavap VapCap

    Get an Altoids tin, put a Magnet (from the VapCap site) on the top. When you set the vc on the magnet it heat sinks the heat off the cap, but not so much from the ti-tip. It also amplifies the cool-click. This method reduces the amount of butane you use, plus it helps maintain the temp in the...
  4. Dynalowrider

    Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid

    Pop some corn. Burn a kernel . Doc
  5. Dynalowrider

    Dynavap VapCap

    Thank you for your sympathy . Doc
  6. Dynalowrider

    Dynavap VapCap

    No, no, no, it was not in a bad way. In my state every county is like a little feudal state. One county is dry, (no alcohol), the next has bars. This state won't let you buy alcohol on Sunday till noon. Do you think God cares if you drink on Sunday morning? The chance that Texas will legalize is...
  7. Dynalowrider

    Dynavap VapCap

    Kasish, I don't know if it was a misspell or typo, but you described where I live. " (im in a 3rd world County)" That is where I live, in a third world state, in a third world county. :rofl: I'm not criticizing your post, I'm just enjoying how you hit it on the nail where I live. Good on you...
  8. Dynalowrider

    Dynavap VapCap

    Chose , I have the carbon omni. You will love it . It feels so solid , yet light. I like it better than the titanium one. Doc
  9. Dynalowrider

    Discontinued Haze Dual V3

    I have a small vial that I soak the mouthpiece in "Everclear" when it gets gooey. It's not long and the liquid turns brown . Makes a great tinture A few drops under your tongue, or in a drink or whatever . Good to the last drop . Doc
  10. Dynalowrider

    Dynavap VapCap

    I glued a magnet in the cup of my Pyramid lighter. I load my VapCap, and just before I heat I use the magnet to pull the cap out less than a 1/4". I heat the tip and cap at the same time. When it clicks, I push the cap all the way on, and rip. Man I have had an Omni since they came out. I...
  11. Dynalowrider

    Dynavap VapCap

    I would like one that would be able to be magnetized. I'm working on a click amplifying tin box. Doc
  12. Dynalowrider

    Discontinued Haze Dual V3

    Majordude2626, if I could give you multiple likes I would. I love the ability to collect reclaim from this vape. This is my favorite conduction vape. "The haze is my sit down, drink a brew, and puff device". Mine too. Doc
  13. Dynalowrider

    Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid

    I've had Mike's loading funnel for ELBs for a while. He said he had an eight basket loader in the works. He said that Boundless was sending him a CFX to build accessories for.. Mike is a "Santa Claus" and I'm making a list. sickmanfraud, I like to pull my ELBs in between rips. If using the mp...
  14. Dynalowrider

    Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid

    ELBS might work. Without a filling funnel it would be messy . Hint, hint, Boundless. Doc
  15. Dynalowrider

    Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid

    I have a CFX and use the WPA almost exclusively. I use ELBs and the top basket gets a little goo on it, but I love how a screen in the cone collects honey after a few baskets. Doc
  16. Dynalowrider

    Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid

    I removed the stock screen from the mouthpiece. I opened the mp and placed a screen on the inside of the mp. I use the WPA, and I remove the stock screen and place a screen in the cone. As I vape, the screens collect "vape honey". When they get coated, I ether soak the screen in "Everclear" and...
  17. Dynalowrider

    Discontinued Haze Dual V3

    Dammit , now I get "vas". Doc
  18. Dynalowrider

    Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid

    Hot water and maybe a soak in Smoke Soap. Doc
  19. Dynalowrider

    Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid

    I have always believed in "RTFM". I always read the manual before ordering anything. Well I ordered my CFX on 9/28. I've had the vape for over a month. I like to keep a copy of owner's manuals on my laptop. I was downloading the CFX manual, and read it again. Stupid me I have been turning it...
  20. Dynalowrider

    Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid

    I use a "PNWT" with my CFX. It works great. Pretty cheap. Also have a MFLB Orbiter. The CFX milks both of them. I couldn't be happier with my CFX. Doc
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