Oh, wow, so circling while heating isn't necessary with the black lotus? That's a big plus to me. Edited after getting reeeeeal high: I continue to be amazed at the Lotus's efficiency, one bowl in it gets me more high than twice the amount in my EQ
God, I wish my friends could wrap their heads around it. 6 months without smoking and they still look at me like I've metamorphosed into a strange, alien creature every time I turn them down
That's what I'm hoping is the case with these damaged units, they just have a shitty worker and they'll get rid of him/her and then it will never happen again..
I did acid once, but it was a terrible experience because I did way too much. I took it like 6 months ago and I'm just now really getting over the effects. It exacerbated my anxiety to an unbearable level
I know I would be much more content if they would be just slightly more open. The lack of information makes me feel like I'm being deceived. On the whole I don't think I actually am being lied to, but it's hard to not feel that way.
That does seem to be the case, though I haven't gotten to experiment with it myself since I don't have a vape that's good for temp stepping yet. Maybe one day I'll have my Grasshopper to experiment with...
This is how it is where I am, and when I first started getting into smoking heavily I did have some freakouts, but I can almost always willpower myself out of them when it flares up now. I've yet to buy any I just could not handle at all, but some batches must be handled with more caution
I'm hoping something like this is the case. I also considered that the only ti who's serial I've seen revealed was muuuuch lower than the ones on the ss' so I wonder if because of the higher price of the ti that they waited until their workers had a good bit of practice putting together the ss...