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  1. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    While we're on the topic of the temperature knob...I've noticed for a while now (probably since a week or two after receiving my Cloud) that even though the temp knob goes to "5 O'clock," the Cloud only actually heats to "4 O'clock." You know how when you adjust the temp knob on the Cloud...
  2. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    *Edit, looks like you figured it out while I was typing... Okay, maybe I can explain it. Look at the Cloud, turn up you're dial all the way. Now, pretend the little line on the dial is the minute hour hand on a clock. What hour is the line at when at max temp? Unless my Cloud is different, my...
  3. Purpl3_Haz3

    My Stash

    Picked up a few things at the dispensary today. I got a little bit of 'Medi Bud,' some kief, and a bottle of soy vegetable glycerin 'Chocolope' Tincture. The lighting isn't what I usually use for my pics...I don't love the way they came out, but It's okay.
  4. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I would have panicked! Not sure if anyone remembers this, but quite a while back, a member of VXL (IIRC) dropped a Cloud, or somehow a Cloud got knocked over, and because it had been on so long, and the glass was so heat-soaked, the male GONG joint bent, instead of breaking! This Cloud...
  5. Purpl3_Haz3

    DMT Vaporization

    @Seek, thanks for your reply! You seem to have a decent amount of knowledge on the subject/good tips. Nice thinking on the using the cloud inverted VS upright, and having a spotter to grab/hold the cloud/piece, among your other advice!
  6. Purpl3_Haz3

    DMT Vaporization

    **Edit** HERBavore, I would recommend following the advice of Seek, who posted after me, and not use the two cap method. I suppose you could do it. I didn't have that in mind when I made the video though :lol: Things to consider would be, is DMT a powder/liquid, etc? And, a little...
  7. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Well, you pretty much answered yourself lol. I would wait another day, just because they all are getting settled, and sorting through a lot of stuff. I think that contacting them tomorrow, if you haven't received a confirmation of some sorts, would be reasonable.
  8. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    That's one thing that always blows me away...the clouds I get with tiny amounts. I can put in enough to get just a small cloud, hardly enough to cover the bottom of the ELB, and get a good cloud. Most vapes, would give you that little bud, stretched over multiple hits. In the Cloud, I get just...
  9. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    :lol: hahahah They've always got something going on at VXL! We have a smoke detector, that came with our house. A few months after moving in, we were awoken by a woman hollering "Batteries are running low, Please replace batteries immediately!" repeated three or four times, separated by loud...
  10. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I've had a couple WeMo scares, but the joys/benefits of the WeMo far outweigh the couple scares. Glad you're Cloud was okay, and you're WeMo was just playing tricks on you! Still, panicking moments indeed! Another cloud/WeMo funny note; I was on my laptop today, and opened up my network, in...
  11. Purpl3_Haz3

    My Stash

    It really, really is! I would recommend it(this or another bridge camera) or the newly introduced (since I bought this) point n shoot's with swappable lenses)) to anyone who is unsure about there future with photography, but wants an upgrade from a point n shoot. Or someone like myself, who...
  12. Purpl3_Haz3

    Where Do You Vape?

    I don't think I've noticed this thread before. I vape almost exclusively, in my bedroom. To be more specific, at my desk. The Cloud hardly leaves the desk, accept to be hit. It leaves the house on rare occasions(when someone needs to try it, and can't get here.) I just posted this video the...
  13. Purpl3_Haz3

    My Stash

    Thank you! And I laughed when she said Purple Haze, I had to grab it lol. My camera, the Nikon Coolpix L810 isn't a D-SLR, or a camera with interchangeable lenses...It's actually what would be considered a 'bridge camera' as it bridges the gap between a point-n-shoot, and a D-SLR. Technically...
  14. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I can't remember when I first heard of a Mobius anything. I can however remember myself scrounging, only long enough to decide it was on my far-future wait list. lol. There is other great glass out there, for less, and for more. I'm not in the market for that caliber of glass, at the moment...
  15. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Just to add to the showercap, dry or wet, the vapor travels more of a 'straight' shot to the mouth, than in the HL. IMO, the HL would have much more places for the vapor to condense and buildup, than in the SC. So, less condesing vapor, more flavor getting to the lungs.
  16. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    You're welcome. And, you mean the ShowerCap, right? :brow: Seriously, I'd really like to pick up either the ShowerCap or the HydraLine...I'm leaning towards the ShowerCap, for my next HT purchase. After the FC bubbler though. Has anyone added rubber, or anything for that matter, to the four...
  17. Purpl3_Haz3

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I live on the east coast. I usually have oil. I won't touch other folks oils. I make my own, and I'm not satisfied until my return in exactly the weight of the the percent of cannabinoids in the bud (20% potency bud, 8 grams flower in, SHOULD equal 2 grams oil out) and it has a good, clean...
  18. Purpl3_Haz3

    How Fast Is Your Internet?

    Meanwhile, while many people thorughout the state struggle to get decent internet (faster than a couple megs up/down) one ISP is going to construct this two phase network, as part of 'gig-u.' Gig-u is some organization that creates high speed networks, around research centric quote...
  19. Purpl3_Haz3

    How Fast Is Your Internet?

    :| About the best we can get around here. Waiting on Fiber Optic availability...
  20. Purpl3_Haz3

    Bubbler + Waterfall A/C - $200

    I'm not interested in the A/C, just the bubbler. If Cody takes the A/C, how much would you want for the bubbler alone, shipped in US? *Edit, only interested if the Cloud will fit in it, without an adapter. I believe you have a Cloud, Vaping Ditto. Would you mind checking clearance for me, if...
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