Arrgghh!!! I just spent a bunch of money on a P80, Samsung 30Qs, and a Nitecore UM2 charger for my TETRAx :cry:
EDIT: Then again, three bowls is fine for me. I guess I can just buy a couple new batteries every year for ~€10.
Thanks for checking! I'll order from them then :)
BTW, do you think the P80 is good enough for the TETRAx? Or do you think a mod with 2 batteries would be necessary?
I'm not a heavy user at all and would only use it at home, probably on my own.
BTW, if you don't see people's signatures keep in mind they only show up if you're browsing on a computer or if you flip your phone into landscape mode.
I found it even cheaper at VapeFully at just €208 after discount!
Ohhh! So tempting with the 30% discount... But I just bought a TETRAx so I can't go crazy with anything else :razz:
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear that! If you manage to get your credit card sorted out, try getting a Mighty on VapeFully. I almost pulled the trigger on one for just €208 after discount!
Order placed and payment confirmed! Let's hope I don't get hit with the double-order issue :razz:
@funkyjunky How long until you can tell people if their order is in the clear?
I need to buy a mod but only want to do that once I know for sure that my order went through.
Reddit has a pretty good list of the deals available, especially the stickied Europe & Canada lists in the first comment:
I'm going to try to get its brother the TETRAx during tonight's drop if I get lucky with the crowds!
Do you think the Lamart 18 mm WPA ( ) is a good purchase if I'm mostly leaning towards going dry?
I'm considering the DDave...
That's the thing that puzzles me about the MiniVAP.
Everyone says it has legandary flavor, but you look at the air/vapor path and it has all the materials you can imagine: ceramic [?] heater surrounded by aluminum foam, then PTFE (Teflon) depending on the model, a metal screen, a silicon tube...