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  1. MuushuPork

    Cannabis News

    Im new to all this but I believe you can call or write to your congressman/state rep. anytime. It might even have more weight than the email. Just my 2 cents. Also for anyone in Florida, not sure how legit this is, looks like a new measure to support. I figure this is where to post this but...
  2. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    This is a couple weeks of claim. I originally ordered a dropdown from bakebros for $17 shipped because its gunking up my fc710 and custom recycler. I can usually once a day just pull a glob drip out of the bottom of the nano gong and put it back on top. While waiting I ended up cracking my 14mm...
  3. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Same with my cat. He lets me know when hes ready and when hes good. Loves it.
  4. MuushuPork

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    All i use the nano for is concentrates with ss wool. Its amazing. Just my experience.
  5. MuushuPork

    Open Source Glass Thread

    Hows the flavor of the pillar compared to the 710?
  6. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I am hoping to receive the same.
  7. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    First post from December. Emails sent along the way. Others get responses and replacements. I get too bad. You tell me Nadia/Andy.... Can I please get something done about this.
  8. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Yes after something like 3 months I FINALLY got a response about my GonG issue. Turns out noone at epicvape has a clue that they sent out the wrong gongs. They will not be replacing anything for me. I have to prove something is defective and send them a photo.
  9. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Still no response from @ACE OF VAPE or his employee Nadia. I just sent my 3rd message. I just want someone to say "hi, we got ya, its all good".
  10. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I noticed someone else finally got a response and replacement for the sub-par gongs. I sent an email to and no response. This is how it seems to go. Hopefully someone will see this.
  11. MuushuPork

    JoDa Glassworks

    Had a DBV and not big on whips. Thanks for the idea!
  12. MuushuPork

    JoDa Glassworks

    Just wondering if theres a way to make a reclaimer/drop-down for my FC710/E-Nano combo that would allow me to set the nano on top without worrying. I doubt it is but Id like something that is much more compact than the other dropdowns ive seen. I am currently using a 14mm female enano gong you...
  13. MuushuPork

    Bhang Stick Pure CO2 oil carts.

    The main problem with the lower quality carts is that taste will always be limited by it, no matter how good the juice is. If these companies sold just juice that is lab grade I would be all over it. Its definitely convenient and probably the easiest way to get a buzz.
  14. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I go anywhere from 7.5-8.8 usually for shatter. Wax/crumble can go lower. Not much different from flowers just harder to burn.
  15. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Burnt concentrates taste gross.
  16. MuushuPork

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    I only use my FC 710 with my e-nano. Its wonderful. Now if you mean vaping flowers.... No clue as I only use concentrates these days.
  17. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Whatever you do, dont get too close to the heater.
  18. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Yeah bud I think we all just joshin around man no harm no foul.
  19. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I just ball up a tiny bit of ss and wash with iso then put between basket screens. Works flawless cheap n easy. I think all who use ss wool would be surprised how little it actually takes.
  20. MuushuPork

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I too, have goggled enano.
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