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  1. Die_Toffifee


    This is the way.
  2. Die_Toffifee


    Sorry for the double post but I have received my CouchLog already and I wanted to let you have a quick glance at the beautiful wood. :) It was shipped yesterday and arrived this morning already. Can't say much about it yet. At first I thought this thing must be something like a wooden...
  3. Die_Toffifee


    Yes sir, it was me. :) I was sold on the oak already, mostly because of the matching temp control and it being a regional wood. Once I've learned that the temp control doesn't need to be sitting right next to the rest of the vape or can be mounted even under the table, matching woods were no...
  4. Die_Toffifee


    I'm just about to pull the trigger on the two toned Kingwood but I'm having a hard time to decide since they are all super nice.
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