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    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    If we could all take a moment of silence, for this beautiful piece 🪦 Pre-Order is going to be open in just a couple mins on the webstore (shipping will be pre calculated and will run more smoothly than in the past) Here is some...

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    Unfortunately there will be no single pieces. I fully believe modular is the way to go. It not only decreases the price a little, makes shipping safer (I have not broken a piece during shipping since switching to modular) but it also gives people variety to switch it up to their liking. Mouth...

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    Thank you for your kind words guys ❤️❤️❤️. Just working through some little design changes before I show off some new products that will be available very soon ❤️ New glass and a new ball vape, all of it I’m very excited to bring to the community.

    Ultimate, all-glass, non-toxic, "healthy" vaporizer (2023?) There is his IG. I don’t think he has a store front.

    Ultimate, all-glass, non-toxic, "healthy" vaporizer (2023?)

    there are glass tips for dynavap one maker of them Ptglass also has some butane vapes that are all glass, Terpsicle ?sp? Vaphotbox Slide, and elev8r are all ones I can think of.

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    Haha yeah she’s around 10 feet tall right now. She’s always been shy and unsure of herself so this is amazing getting to see her gain confidence in herself. I wish it was all 18 also myself too but it just looked so out of place with that big joint there. I’ve always found it easier/ more...

    Glass Bowls for Injector Desktops

    Porcelains can be quite strong but would be hard to put the screen notches in there. I actually have a design very similar going to be worked on very soon. About to post some bracelets that include a bowl with purchase ❤️

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    Some more bracelets going up in just a couple mins if any one is interested

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    Exactement, les mots anglais ont de nombreuses façons de les utiliser. L'anglais a trop d'argot et utilise des mots qui se traduisent bizarrement. Je fais de mon mieux, mon ami. Yeah, he had a typo. The HHate was suppose to be HÂte. Haha thank you, google works hard to make me fluent 😂 I use...

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    It is hit or miss. I try to not use slang as much as possible when using them. I try to cut out words that have a lot of meanings to a single word too. English is a tricky one with translators. It’s usually enough they get the general idea though. I messed up saying photos when it should have...

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    Je suis ravi de montrer celui-ci. C'est une beauté. J'ai le prototype, j'attends juste la prochaine modification pour le montrer. Il devrait être commencé aujourd'hui, et je pourrai poster des photos dans les prochains jours. ❤️❤️❤️

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    la pré commande qui démarre bientôt sera un joli bubbler. les pré-commandes offrent généralement une remise de trente pour cent. Je devrais le montrer dans quelques jours. ça vaudra certainement la peine d'être regardé.

    Glass Bowls for Injector Desktops

    It was taken pretty quick ❤️❤️❤️ my daughter made another bracelet today that will be posted tomorrow if we can go into town and get some things to finish it. She needs lobster clasp and is learning the valuable lesson in buying her supplies to continue to make them (they are pretty affordable...

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    It’s actually going to be placed middle front to appease both parties ❤️. The new rig is what I would call the middle ground of prophet and protégé. Aimed at flavor with a chuggy perc system. Whole lotta color work coming soon.

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    Preorder will be starting on a bed friendly piece very shortly ❤️ You are not alone friend 😂 that is my primary sesh spot, some require a wooden area, nice coutch, a patio, all I need is that Cali King 😂😂😂 Hopefully end of this week I’ll have pictures up of the new products then in just a few...

    Cloud Connoisseur Glass

    Website is up and operational! ❤️ Sending out the first orders that came through this weekend. Also I posted this up. The bracelet is made by my daughter, trying to teach her about being a maker, she always sets up fake stores with...

    BAKx - bake all kinds

    I actually really like the form factor of it. Maybe because it’s similar to all the other vapes I use, maybe it’s because I have a glass tip on mine which I know will end up common soon with glass blowers I believe already making soon Vs mine was an adapter from a broken piece 😂 I think it...

    BAKx - bake all kinds

    Fwiw I’m sending mine to another active member soon so he can play with it and report on it. As I fully believe it’s a good vape, just doesn’t get as tested with me as it should be. I do like it enough to have it sent back to me for when I go back to South Dakota to visit for spring break, where...

    BAKx - bake all kinds

    Mine is a bit dirty as is my rig and it’s late so I’ll definitely post some videos tonight. @gordontreeman you are correct in that the biggest perk was not having to do a drop, so I’m sure any one would have hopped on it if able. To say @funkyjunky (not that your saying it, but referring to the...

    BAKx - bake all kinds

    It pretty much comes out to you get a free shorter extension and a second roasting tube if you got in on the beta. So there wasn’t much kick back for the beta test, definitely not what it’s being made out to be on other social medias. I’ll have to try for a video tonight.
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