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  1. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    Ok photoshop was a bad example since the UI is now very simple, use a parametric modeling tool as a closer example. You need to know the math behind the shapes, but you don't need to pre-calculate the math to create the exact shape you want, the toolset aids at that. Training a skill, learning...
  2. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    I'm pretty sure no one said it was easy or didn't need work into learning the tool and background to use it. But it would heavily assist at measuring things that are hard to do otherwise, like volumes, surface areas and the interaction between the different materials at different air flows. You...
  3. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    OF relative measurements remain valid when taken with the same equipment correct? Whether the temperatures are absolute or not doesn't change anything, or does it? And why would it? And I believe nothing will loose more heat than the glass making the heat loss through leads irrelevant. EDIT...
  4. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    Generally the software handles most of it. Like photoshop you don't have to know the math behind the effects, masks or whatever else computer vision algorythms are used. I assume this as all different softwares are the same, you model the details, materials and set the initial conditions. I may...
  5. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    What FEA software would provide a reasonable solution to this problem?
  6. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    So the walls of the glass can create convection heating, but the walls of the much hot heater can't? Hmmmm. Anyway, all in all we've gone over the subject as much as we can without going into mathematics. I'll try to find some time to understand the subject and see if I can come up with an...
  7. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    As much as I can't say that's not a possibility without doing the math, you can't say convection is not a possibility without doing the math. They both seem perfectly viable to me as justifications for the experiments at hand. When comparing to other conduction devices, it's obvious because...
  8. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    So we're back to considering the heater temperature on pull triggering a overshoot of temperature(because the heater before pull was already maintaining the temperature which is measured on disc 2). Center oven temperature never drops on pull, it increases. But then, how can it be so responsive...
  9. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    Check all the disassembly and you notice that indeed the air is forced around the heater. No when you let the herb touch the bottom of the oven, it often burns it. If it is not preheated to vaporization temperatures, and for the last time, how does the temperature increase when COLDER air...
  10. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    Again, we're not discussing if conduction is better or people's opinions. This discussions runs to that quite fast. We are discussing if convection does happen in the Solo. I don't really care about the experience, I am discussing the definition, there is a thread on the solo 2 where people can...
  11. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    Sounds like you're the guy to do it! Wouldn't it be fun to decypher this mystery with a nice simulation once and for all? I get the feeling you've got the experience we've been missing here. I'm not entirely sure on how much air goes around the heater and if there's enough contact for...
  12. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    My current under test belief is that the delayed conduction in the solo from the conductive heat pathway(disc 0-> disc 1-> metal wall-> glass -> herb->herb), as well as the associated pathways of heat loss is the great engineering achievement that permits it to be a true hybrid from a single heater.
  13. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    The chamber wall is possibly at a lower temperature, because it is in contact with the upper disc, which does not contain the heater, the lower one does. That's how I understood it. I would assume there is a gradient from the lower disc to the top disc of decreasing temperature, but the...
  14. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    I think you forget one detail: The air goes in direct contact with the heater for a given amount of time. The weed does not. Conduction takes time and while transfers heat in faster it also transfers heat out faster. The heat from the heater, the hotest part in the system will first heat the...
  15. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    OF, pure convection is indeed all that, because you need to transfer 200ºC of heat energy into ambient temperature weed through air alone. That's a lot of energy to transfer via a low heat capacity, short conduction span fluid**. But on hybrid devices, the oven is generally put to a stable...
  16. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    It is not at all a simple deal as with conduction, because in conduction both parts of the system are static, in convection, even without forcing air movement, the air does move as it heats.
  17. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    Alright, if you can put your cheap shots aside, I'll go in for a productive discussion. If cheap shots come into play again I'll vanish from the thread, as I have no personal vendetta, affiliation or particular love for any device. There are two or three main points where people have failed to...
  18. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    Misunderstanding on the ceramic body. I won't go into this but I'll go into something else: List of fallacies: Ad Hominem/Poisoning the Well: Attacking the people argumenting in order to reduce their credibility. Ad Hominem/Poisoning the Well: Moving the goalposts (raising the bar) –...
  19. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    I am still a newbie, but I can attest that the best way to learn something is to have a reason to learn it for! :D
  20. nms

    Arizer portable heater tech discussion

    The ceramic body is isolated from the air path? I believe this is not right according to the pictures shown previously. This would also make it impossible for hotter air(than oven air) to enter the oven which is obviously happening. I think you have a personal deal against solo being convection...
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