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  1. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Great first impressions marduk and thanks for all that info! Could you provide details as to how you did the burnoff cycles? Turning it on and letting it heat up wouldn't be enough without drawing air, would it? Now that more hoppers have made it to vapers, I think we should have a guide or a...
  2. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I'm glad the update has more concrete info and the fact that they were more forthcoming with the failure rate. SneakyPete's review also helped bring a ton of positivity ending this week.
  3. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Thanks for your usage update. I really needed a positive report!
  4. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Sure, all in perspective. Everytime I hear the Apple comparison about launches I just get pissed. The reason Apple for example can get away with a shoddy or untimely relrase is because the're Apple! They know people will forget in a week tops. If they don't there's more Sheeple that will buy...
  5. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Of the people who have their hoppers already, would you advise a coarser grind or a finer grind? I'm looking into investing in a grinder for when my grasshopper eventually arrives and was liking the MFLB Finishing Grinder. It supposedly produces the finest grind, and would like to hear if this...
  6. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    So is this the second unit you would have to send in or the first? It's getting hard to keep track of the failures on the backer's units.
  7. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Thanks for the clarification. I should have added that I have no experience in storing vaporizers but plenty with smoking paraphernalia. I thought in vaporizers the smell would be lesser than on pipes or whatnot. Hiding it from canines is by no means a risk I would take.
  8. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Hehehe. I don't just mean as a detection risk in places where it's not permitted. I mean as in does it get stinky? Does the device let a lot of odor out? How good is it at sealing the flavor? Those kinda questions.
  9. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I'm not sure if it's been shared but how smelly does the GH get with an unvaped load? If those with a GH have some experimenting time I propose a comparison of unvaped load vs a vaped load. Quantity could be a variable, the use of the leather sleeve could be another. For the experiment to work...
  10. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    The beta period would refer to backers then? So the logically speculative next step is that when preorders start shipping, the lifetime warranty's shipping would be covered by the user?
  11. R

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    Hello to all patient vapers. I read the warranty terms from the screenshots posted and from what I understood, the shipping charges must be covered by the customer. So why are all these vaporizers that have failed been insta-shipped? Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy with their speedy...
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