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    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    How often do you vape? Maybe it's a matter of high tolerance? Yes, testing effects is a tricky undertaking in terms of reliability, and when I say that the biggest impact is at high temperatures, I mean "in most cases." But there are many factors that determine variation in this effect. There...
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    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    Sorry, I didn't read it carefully. I thought it was about unsuccessful vaping. But it’s strange that classic smoke didn’t give you the corresponding effect. As for vaping, compare vaping sessions with minimum and maximum temperatures. After all, this is what we're talking about
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    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    @pakalolo Ideally, you want to find a golden mean, a compromise of taste/effect, perhaps you found it at 160. But for me this is unacceptable - instead of 0.04 on TM 2 at 240, I have to shove 0.09 at 220 into Roffu. For me this is uncomfortable. Not surprising at all. If we delve into your...
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    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    I have no doubt that the effect can be obtained at 160 degrees, but at 260 under the same conditions what will be the impact? Spoiler - you may not be able to stand it)) Here, taking into account these conditions: -natural tolerance -frequency of use - breaks between uses -difference between...
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    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    I read all 28 pages and specially registered on the forum to share my experience, namely : the most powerful effect is achieved only at high temperatures, which was later confirmed by the post...
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