Search results for query: coconut oil

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  1. coolbreeze

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Happy Lotus Friday! Blue Dream, Walnut Lotus, Good Vibes Boro Electric Coconut Hulk hook! Poor Hulk, lost in the fog:
  2. Rodney


    I loved reading all the opinions here so much that I made this 1 jar of coconut oil 2 cups of water 1 oz weed slow cooked for 5 hours with no decarb. Temperature was 110C
  3. 666Honeybadger

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Been using two of the new glass beaded stems for 10 days or so. Didn't get a picture but them balls were getting pretty darn sticky, full of amber colored reclaim. Felt the taste was getting affected so time for a clean but the screens (used one with glass screen and one with CU screen) did not...
  4. Old_muel

    First perc rig - Honeycomb vs Matrix?

    ...& neutral, I sometimes reclaim some reclaim from dry stems & stuff via stem milk method & these seem like they might be a good idea instead of the dunking in heaps of liquid but to allow to collect it up to maybe infuse into a small amount of coconut oil to make edible caps or something. Cheers
  5. Bologna

    Music from the mid 60's to late 70's (when creative genius reigned..)

    Yup, it's a Nilsson Kinda Day...:love::nod::brow::tup:: The Music Of Nilsson (Harry Nilsson In Concert, 1971) (IMPROVED QUALITY, EDITED) This is an upgrade in quality from the last upload although unfortunately I had to edit it slightly and remove the clip of "Are You Sleeping?" from The...
  6. shredder

    Delicious Brownies!!!

    You may want to look at vegan no bake cookies. Easy to make and easy to infuse. We use feco in butter, but the butter can be substituted easily In this type of cookie. Chocolate and peanut butter are great for hiding the weed taste. My wife makes a batch and then freezes individual cookies for...
  7. AndyO

    How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin

    I just think it's hard to get right. But I also think it's worth persisting with. I don't do edibles all the time, so when I do, there's nothing like the effect of them. I was just writing in another thread how I spent an outrageous amount on 3 different decarb and infusion devices, but that I...
  8. 186°

    How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin

    Hi @AndyO, yeah I had kind of the same idea. Bought coconut oil (not milk) and put a many hours of effort into making the best out of my vaping residuals. I even washed out the ABV. Month later I have to admit that I've never really used my ABV-Coconut-Mix because I do not like the taste of...
  9. AndyO

    How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin

    I don't know whether this is an original idea or not, but it occurred to me standing in the Asian section of the supermarket this week that cans of coconut milk would be heaps more fatty than my normal "carton" of plant-based milk, and thus heaps better for stem milk. A comparison of the...
  10. AndyO

    Delicious Brownies!!!

    People thought I crazy when, despite having an Ardent, I decided I needed a Magical Butter, and shortly after that I decided I needed a Noids Pot. But bugger me if I haven't had a great week this week using all of them. I haven't had any work to do, so I've had the Ardent decarbing and making...
  11. Tellus

    any experiences/tips for effective cannabis tea?

    ...while boiling? And how long do you boil? And do you use avb or something else? I've made infused tea (& coffee), but first make infused coconut cream or coconut oil then add that to the tea. But I also first drain the material after making the cream/oil. Tastes good, and I also add a little...
  12. Robert-in-YEG

    any experiences/tips for effective cannabis tea?

    Just discovered cannabis tea. This couldn't be simpler. Boil a delicious smelling flower to get a delicious tea. Boiled flower produces a relaxing tea with little psychoactive effects. Want to get a buzz? Add a bit of butter to the tea. The butter will pickup the THC and the CBD. I've been...
  13. S

    Ethanol tincture potency?

    If anyone decides on making tinctures often it is very worthwhile to buy an alcohol recovery still. Depending on your usage a still may pay for itself in a few months. Anyone who wants to avoid alcohol can make a solvent transfer to coconut or MCT oil. Taking a known amount of tincture and...
  14. florduh

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    I'm rewatching Veep right now. It's amazing how much she's like Selina Meyer. In another Veep move, her team is shivving POTUS in the press. We'll have to see if this is more Veep or...
  15. M

    Re-vaping avb.

    ...because I vape at high temps all the time. My wife stopped me from throwing it away, and asked if she could try and make some butter and coconut oil extracts with it. Swear to god it made incredible edibles. I have no idea how but waste not want not. I understand having an abundance of...
  16. Shit Snacks

    Hemp Flower is necessary at all, since I've never done it when baking before and never had any problem with strong infusions in vegetable oil or coconut oil for baking... It might enhance the effectiveness sure, but I think the chemicals and the processes involved have a lot more variables than you...
  17. darkstar72

    Re-vaping avb. ensure temp is above alcohol evaporation point but below THC degradation point. Reduce it in 10 minutes or so to half. Done or optionally transfer to oil. At half reduction add olive oil or coconut oil then continue to reduce until alcohol is gone (no more bubbles). Home made edible.
  18. kiddvudu2

    Re-vaping avb.

    I used to make canna-coconut butter from it and then make no-bake cookies. They were pretty famous for the effects they gave, as they were never predictable, lol. I quit that years ago, but recently have started saving the AVB again (because I stopped growing and started buying again). I...
  19. florduh

    Random thoughts

    The media isn’t going to do that because they made a lot more money when he was President. Everyone was more tuned into the news because they wanted to see what insane thing he said next. Or were afraid he’d nuke Finland or something because their PM said something mean about his hair. The...
  20. florduh

    Random thoughts

    The biggest problem with this world: too many mf’s thinking they just fell out of a coconut tree :disgust:
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