Search results for query: Carbon filter

  1. Piecho

    Active carbon filter for hash vaporiser bong

    Hey, Trying now the dynavap setup with a bubbler and additional active carbon filter for hash vaporisation. No difference at the taste, vapour is not that resiny as without the carbon. I would be probably continue testing it, unless you guys will give me some papers saying its a waste or a...
  2. TommyDee

    SmokeBuddy Jr. Carbon Filter

    ...sealed and comes with covers that separate completely. It's about $12 and I look forward to seeing how effective it is and how long it will last. Just thought I'd give a shout-out about this little device and my first impressions. Do you use a carbon filter and which one did you settle on?
  3. bassplayer

    Carbon Filter - dabs?

    Has anyone here used a carbon filter attachment (such as Scientific Inhalations filter with McFinns' coconut carbon) with a dab rig? I assume they would make the hit smoother on the throat but does it reduce the potency too much?
  4. ou812?

    wanted opinion on carbon filter

    ...who refuse to vape (old stoners,frigging diehards just wont convert,period) but say their effort to try to be healthier is to use a carbon filter on WT,inline with the intake below the bowl/slide. Anyhow,I hit it and did notice a very smooth smoke and surprisingly no hack,:\. TBO I never...
  5. SteezyJ

    Carbon Filter Adapters with Vaporizers

    Alright, So I am going to be buying an EHLE 250mL soon, and was researching different accessories/ attachments. I came across a carbon filter adapter, which is supposed to filter carcinogens and other residues, thus keeping the unit itself more clean/vapors tastier. I was wondering if anyone has...
  6. trm11

    Carbon Filter for a Vape?

    Is there any reason to have a carbon filter for a vape? I'm going to order a 4 hose bong to share my greens with some friends easier, I find vaporizing with people generally takes much long than smoking, so hopefully this will speed things up. I was wondering though if there is any reason to get...
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