I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
Political manifesto: Be nice. Share. Always punch up (never down or across). Muck about and refuse to be trapped by anyone else's attempted (poe-faced) dialectics / analysis and trust no-one who owns (or rents) a yacht. Sadly I wasn't born in the US so my chances of achieving hegemony are somewhat restricted, so in my absence I anoint @florduh (whilst also secretly hoping they're quickly deposed by younger less pessimistic cohort). Also give free vapes to people who you hardly know, in the hope that this makes the world kinder.This also works as a potential solution to VAS! Channel your own energy into providing things for other people, and you still get the dopamine hit but you don't have to have nearly as much random crap!! I've bought about half a dozen vapcaps for others and given away about a third of the total amount I've purchased so now my collection is much smaller and I have several friends who will always think of me whenever they pull out their vape! And if they turn it into a fancy one-hitter? So it goes!!