Paying it Forward - A New Direction


I would like to give a big shout-out to @Fillmore2
Thank you for sending the Ghost MV1 units along with a number of accessories.
I still have 2 patients left here in Tucson that are still using the MV1s and this will prolong their Ghost Adventures.
Your units arrived clean and like new.
I appreciate you!


Well-Known Member
I would like to give a big shout-out to @Fillmore2
Thank you for sending the Ghost MV1 units along with a number of accessories.
I still have 2 patients left here in Tucson that are still using the MV1s and this will prolong their Ghost Adventures.
Your units arrived clean and like new.
I appreciate you!
Glad to be able to contribute to your efforts. Keep up the good work!


A Card holding patient in an assisted living facility found me, and was seeking a simple Desktop Vaporizer.
He wanted it black and simple so that it would not attract too much attention.
He lives on the same income that I do, meaning that he really could not easily afford a Vaporizer.
He lives too far for me to get to driving, but I wanted to help.
I then I remembered one of my early desktops that is not even listed on my signature.
My Hot Box!
So simple there is not even a temp dial... just an on/off switch.

It is less easy to get than it once was, but it was perfect!
My Hot Box has finally found a home!


This Doctor only has one office, and I have been assured that he will be who I see every month, and only be seen at one office, which is close to home.
He also is an advocate of Medical Marijuana.
They have seen my credentials, and have asked me if I would be willing to come to the clinic once a month on Friday afternoons to talk to Card Holding patients about dangers/risks of combustion, and the benefits of Herbal Vaporization.
I begin on Friday September 13th.
I will be allowed to demonstrate, but not with Marijuana.
I must use peppermint or other plant matter.
The clinic is close to home, and I am very excited to be invited.
Happy Labor Day weekend to all of you!
This news has fallen through.
The 13th date was delayed, and then they gave me the news.
This Doctor while having only one office as I liked has a different opinion
about my care than I do.
So I do not get to demo vapor related tools.
I did find a new Doctor though that does agree with my thoughts on my healthcare.
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I had a great day today.
My eyes were very clear, and my coordination was good, and hands moving well.
I finished switching out components and cleaning up (and lubing springs) on a collection of 9 original
Pax Vapes.
I now have 6 perfect Pax 1's that I am ready to place.
A Pax, especially the Flagship model, needs to be well maintained, or they can begin functioning poorly.
What a disappointment unless you keep it clean.
2 of these 6 will go this afternoon to an assisted living facility to 2 card holding patients living in "long term care".
It took me months to gather the confidence to work on these, as it is a patience tester to work so "small".
Excited for the visits, I leave here with Rocket Man in 30 minutes!
Thanks for checking in!


I had a great day today.
My eyes were very clear, and my coordination was good, and hands moving well.
I finished switching out components and cleaning up (and lubing springs) on a collection of 9 original
Pax Vapes.
I now have 6 perfect Pax 1's that I am ready to place.
A Pax, especially the Flagship model, needs to be well maintained, or they can begin functioning poorly.
What a disappointment unless you keep it clean.
2 of these 6 will go this afternoon to an assisted living facility to 2 card holding patients living in "long term care".
It took me months to gather the confidence to work on these, as it is a patience tester to work so "small".
Excited for the visits, I leave here with Rocket Man in 30 minutes!
Thanks for checking in!
Rocket Man and I completed our trip, and I'm feeling hopeful about the placement... knowing there may be maintenance calls
on these old units.
This gave me pause to reflect on the times when it was MFLB, Vapir NO2, and Iolite that were the main choices for portables.
Vaporization really has come a long way since then!


I want to thank all of you for keeping up with my commitment to my communities Low Income, Chronically/Terminally Ill, Card holding Patients..
It's been over 10 years since I started repaying the debt I feel that I owe the Universe.
Helping others in my financial and medical condition has felt and still feels wonderful.
Finding new patients that fall into the category has become less frequent, and now, I simply speak up when I meet one.
The only new patients that I am meeting recently, come from two local MMJ Doctors.
The referrals are for education, and I still provide vaporizers to them when they decide to change over to vapor.
There are no groups I speak with at this time, but I am willing!
No longer able to easily work on many portables, I still love passing on functioning units.
I still have a few that are designated for this.
I also have a few Reconditioned Vapor Brothers VB1 units with wooden covers from older vapes, that are just as new units, just in re-used shells.
These were donated by @vaporbrothers a while back, and have found many homes here.
I still have 2 Volcanos now being used in the community, that have found their way home to me more than a few times.
I will still accept working units that are out of favor in anyone's rotation.
Bit by bit, I have been placing my newer personal Vapes in the classifieds, to cover life's expenses.
I thought I had travel expenses covered, but my free rides ran out, and gasoline price went up!😢
The bottom line is I am still on call to help maintain Vaporizers of of all of the patients that need it.
I can't repair as I did previously, as dexterity diminishes somewhat.
My activities with new Patients has not stopped but is less intense.
I worked myself into a less active roll in our community.
This is positive.
I saturated my communities vaporizer needs!
I guess that was my goal.
I'll let you know of any inspiring Patients that I am fortunate enough to meet, and of any new updates!
Thank you for reading!
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It's time to give @Sparkpug a big thanks.
Getting vapes in such great condition is wonderful.
These are units that are ideal for the disabled patients that I work with.
-A Dynavap with an induction heater and power cables.
-An E-Nano and its power cables and stems.
-A VB 1.5 and all the accessories.
I can't thank you enough. These are ready to go!
I have a prospective home for each tomorrow afternoon!


This morning I found the perfect home for the E-Nano.
Sweet lady, a senior living in a senior community.
In her mid 80s, she found the function and style of the E-Nano to be "quaint", and very civilized.
It made me smile and think of @ataxian who always described behaviors and things in terms of their level of civility.
I miss him.

My last patient with a Volcano was at the East Side Hospice, and passed away last week. The Unit was returned to me in the
same condition I left it with her in. I just changed the bottom coin sized filter, and now I have it at home. I sold the extra bags I had saved here in classifieds, and kept a couple of boxes of 6 in case.

I got a referral today for a patient with severe Arthritis. His hands are disfigured to the extent that he uses two hands to hold a beverage.
A good fit for this unit:
I have two of the Vapure Genie here.
Collector's items from long ago. A nice vape that actually works great!
I do not use them because they are in perfect condition, with a story behind them.
Even though the used the brand name "Vapure", VaporGenie the torch driven convection vape company had
great lawyers. The law suit went fast, and Vapure was put completely out of business because of punitive fines and court costs.
I got these two display units from Randy back when he was owner of Puffitup.

I am going to give one of them to this gentleman, who easily uses both hands to hold a glass and set it down.


The boxes are a bit beat up, but the Genies are like new.
Perfect for him I think!
The other one, I may sell as a collector's item here in the classifieds.

I am not ending my community patient care, and still have some portables, and Vapor Brothers VB1 units
that are refurbished, with completely new internals, but re-used outershells. I love seeing them, because each tells an unusual story of how a user 15+ years ago kept their vape!
For example:

Some have designs burned onto the re-purposed old housings!
BUT... it still comes with new innards, new whip, wand, grinder, warranty, and the works!

I don't want my friends and family here to think I am giving up on my commitment to my patients.
Just the opposite.
I simply admitted my diminished ability to handle repairs.
I am down to seeing only 3-4 new patients a month.
I visit established patients now for maintenance, or glass replacement once or twice a week.
An easy pace.
It's still a joy to teach, provide, and pay it forward.
The fact that I am alive is a blessing, and my gratitude to the Universe is immense.
I am very careful about glass.. I have a knack for breaking it, so I keep the glass that was purchased as replacements for patients separate,
and only touch these when a community member breaks a part.

These are reserved for them alone.

You may have seen me selling items from my personal collection here in the classifieds.
I still vape all day every day, but in order to face monthly cost of living (and the dreaded Gas pump😰), I am at least for this time letting some tools and vaporizers go.
My original classics are with me.
A quick afternoon SSV hit with FC family (Standard Wand, and HC -pre-2010 of course!):
YES... I agree.
For Uncle Vito I am disheveled and my hair is way too long!
I have only space heaters for warmth, and with them going, it was still 63º in here, so I have delayed my shower till after this post.
I will not cut my hair until it's 70º in here, because I do it with shirt off in the bathroom which is also very cold.
It's 1:30 P.M., and the room is now 70º. This I can handle!
Thanks for reading!
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I wanted to share this keif I found in the bottom of my 4 piece Space Case. I started using it for nostalgic reasons.. after a week I looked in the bottom and was blessed with a pile that sure was a treat!
By share it I mean I have Rocket Man here but he's supposed to lay off until he's older, so I share the keif surprise with my FC friends and family right here.
Thanks for letting me share the keif with you!


I have not reported on special patients that I have seen since the Prison ordeal ended for a couple of reasons, which I will explain at the end of my post.
Over the past 15 years, I have introduced vaporization to thousands of people, and have educated many more thousands.
In person I have taught locally and still do. I cannot seem to stop.
Fuck Combustion has always been home, and along with my family members here I have shared and helped over a thousand Terminally and Chronically Ill Medical Marijuana patients to own their own vaporizers at no cost.
It was all so new, and we talked about a few dozen vaporizers that we liked... and look at us now!
My FC family saw me through a couple of arrests and police interventions in my work.
I love you all.
Covid sure caused me to take some extreme steps to continue seeing all of the patients that were coming forward.
Covid did not stop the work at all, just caused detours.
Federal Prison did stop my work. It took a toll, and the Parole period to follow, left me unable to share vapes or education for a good long time...
2 years, 10 months, but who's counting? (I sure as fuck was!)
Technology changed a bit, and the flow of patients recommended to me changed.
Some referral offices started selling patients vapes.
As for referrals:
Younger patients are being referred, but are more apt to want disposable medicated pens... which they like to call "vaping".
These devices have gone through so many phases... but even the newest ones without poly-glyceroides.... but just pure distillates leave a bit of
a phlegmy feeling below the throat in the upper chest making one want to "ahem". I am reluctant to recommend them ever, although I may use one on occasion if finances allow. (do as I say, not as I do)
My crowd are older patients.
When I began, the older patients were new to Vaping and to Marijuana. There was much to teach, as even online info was not where it is today.
Now the older patients are younger... and come already knowledgeable and needing less introduction to Cannabis. They also come what they want. Everyone including low income individuals now have access to the internet. Even homeless folks have smart phones and places to charge them.
I offer my help and no cost vaporizers on Facebook.
I remain---->
Today for placement with Low-Income, Terminally/Chronically Ill, Disabled, Card Holding Medical Marijuana Patients, I currently retain
at home:
  • 6 Vapor Brothers VB1 units with the works
  • 1 Generic Pretender to the above.
  • 1 Volcano that has seen a few homes but still shines.
  • 11 Portables of varying types, all ones that I am proud to recommend and share.
  • 1 Vapir Rise w/all extras
  • 11 Portables of varying types, all ones that I am proud to recommend and share.
  • 2 Ghost MV1s complete and with extra crucibles etc.
I have spoken about that Volcano before. It has been returned to me by two families when that time came.
The Ghosts are listed separately because I consider them to be "not so portable" in their setup.
All vaporizers that were not easily maintained by patients with limited dexterity have been sold.
I sold them here in the classifieds. I lowered my number of personal vaporizers also, using the classifieds.
Iolites were great to share in the old days, among those with no regular access to electricity, but now even that has changed... may have noticed I have my Iolites on sale here in classifieds to this day (good deals too!). Even though I feel that they are safe, supplying a butane vape to a patient who is disabled has become a questionable choice to me.

With those vaporizers that I listed, I wait for the need to arise in my local Tucson community of
Low-Income, Terminally/Chronically Ill, Disabled, Card Holding Medical Marijuana Patients.
At the rate I am seeing this group now, those vaporizers should last 5 months.
I mentioned before that I still accept vapes that are working, that have proven successful with patients.
I have tubing, screens, glass and parts to last this entire community for my lifetime.


I admit that I have aged a bit since I came to FC!
.................April 2011 ................................February 2025 (at the time of this post)

Red hair gave way to a more silver look.
But I am healthier and happier.
In the first picture I was 7 years out of a prolonged coma and still less stable and unsure of myself.
Here on FC I found encouragement to explore all vaporizers and become adept at my selections.
Here, I gained the confidence to go out in public and talk to those like me (Shattered/Disoriented/Poor prognosis for survival/without income)
and finally here began this thread;
I had FC Family, Marijuana, a Dog, and a Cane.... and Vaporizers. These things made me feel complete.
This is what I wanted for Tucson's patients that were in the same boat.
I wanted them to feel as safe, protected, and comfortable as I did.
I love you all for the space you've given me to share my adventures here.
I promised elucidation about why my more explicit descriptions of interactions with the patients I have served have slowed.
I always asked permission to post images of my patients, and even asked permission to share stories of our interactions.
Permissions were always given joyfully in the spirit of encouraging other patients.
This is a new day.
I have become fearful of not dotting every "i" and crossing each "t".
I love mankind, but have been tearfully made aware that not everyone is what they seem.
It hurts me to the core, but not even everything is always what it seems.
I no longer ask patients if I can share the story of our encounter.
I will freely speak of a special vape that fit a unique situation, to share info, but that is all.
I was advised that even if given permission to post, a patient could claim that I violated their privacy.
It seems an invasive idea, to ask patients to sign a release.
So I function more slowly, more quietly, and more cautiously.
Thank you dear FC Family for reading.
I'll share more very soon.


Well-Known Member
I admit that I have aged a bit since I came to FC!
.................April 2011 ................................February 2025 (at the time of this post)

Red hair gave way to a more silver look.
But I am healthier and happier.
You do look much healthier and the beard suits you! Glad you are still doing your thing, Vitolo, I know Tuscon's a happier place for it!


Hi Family,
I'd like to give a big thanks to @Dopamine for sending such a patient friendly vaporizer.
The unit is an Airvape Legacy Pro, all set with a filling tool and a dozen capsules.
Check out the Altoid tin setup for on-the-go vaping:

I've a patient that spends a good deal of time in a mobility scooter.
Unable to load and unload on the move causes shorter outings, and capsules are her preference.
She's been patient with a Fury 2 that was donated here a number of years back. She has capsules for it too,
but battery longevity suffers over the years.
This Legacy Pro has a dozen capsules (self contained), and the battery is a 3200mah that will last a good number of sessions, plus I can look for a spare battery for her.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks for reading!
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