... Orange man wants to get paid. He is transactional ...
Orange man may be totally pecuniary, but his administration is filled with full committed regressives.
(as I have said before)
The USA is now in the hands of narcissists, true-believers, fellow-travelers, sociopaths and psychopaths, Musk's kids and an old man.
Everything from FDR to Obama-Biden is tainted in the minds of the maga-mad-mobs, and must be undone.
The republican rabble and politically careless are about to learn that actions have consequences and the worst are those undesired and unexpected, that come as collateral gifts when one is enjoying their point-of-view of the deportations, for which they voted.
An America of successful maga-madness is a world of inflation, repression, depression, decreased choices, more murders and war.
Institutional government knowledge will be wiped out. Truth will be censored. Libraries will become trashed and musky.
As with the deported, the lives of the maga-mad will not be benefited, they will not be happy and will demand more blood.
The warriors called police and soldiers will be glorified for risking their lives to wipe out the evils of liberalism, weed, and the twentieth century.
There is a karmic debt to be paid by every Trump voter and every non-voter and those who refused to vote for the only alternative.
2016 and 2024 were both the result of racism, sexism, and putinism* among Americans.
*Putinism has its own Wikipedia page
Trump is a putinist, as now is the republican party.
Bad times won't end following the fall-out of America's power on the world stage nor even the eventual cleaning up of the last of whatever high values ever existed in a USA, now bent, broken, burnt and buried.